
The Tale of Initium V

"Sister in law, I am so glad that you could join me for a walk in the garden" said Atticus as he smiled and he looked at Demanda as they were both walking through the garden.

"I am glad to walk with you Atticus" said Demanda as she smiled, she was no longer scared of him or anyone else for that matter, Athan had told her not to be scared of anymore, and quite frankly, this place was very beautiful during the daytime.

"Sister in law, please excuse me" said Atticus as he smiled and Annie narrowed her eyes at him, just what was he up to now?

"Oh alright then" said Demanda as she smiled and she stopped to admire the lilies that were growing next to the roses as Atticus walked a distance away from her as he smiled and he bent down and picked up something that Annie looked at, it looked like a long metal pin.

"Sister in law, I see something that might interest you, can you please come over here" said Atticus with a smile as he had his back turned towards Demanda as she looked at him.

"Alright" said Demanda as she smiled and she walked towards him.

"Demanda, don't go there, don't, he's trying to kill you" said Annie as she stood in front of Demanda and Demanda passed right through her which made Annie groaned, how she wished that she could do something, anything to make Demanda know that Atticus was trying to kill her.

"Demanda, stop" called Annie once again as she picked up a rock as she threw it at Atticus, but the rock when right through him which made her groan in frustration, she was so helpless right now, she could not stop Atticus from doing something terrible and killing two innocent lives.

"What is it Atticus?" asked Demanda as Atticus got ready to drive the metal pin into Demanda's hand as he turned to look at her with a smile.

"A little ladybug, would you like to see it?" asked Atticus with a smile as Demanda nodded innocently and Annie kept on shouting no, when suddenly a voice came that made all of them turn to look at the direction where it came from.

"I see that you are enjoying a lovely day in the garden" came Athan's voice as he was standing under a tree when Demanda, Atticus and Annie turned to look at him.

"Athan!!" shouted Demanda in a mix of surprise and happiness as she rushed to him.

"Hello darling" said Athan as he smiled and he carried her as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"You missed me?" asked Athana ad Demanda smiled.

"Very much so" said Demanda as Annie sighed in relief as she looked at Atticus who frowned briefly that his plan was ruined.

"Hello brother" said Atticus as he smiled.

"Atti, what are you holding in your hand?" asked Athan.

"Oh just a ladybug, but I let it go already" said Atticus as he smiled, he could not kill Demanda and the child now, not when his brother was here, he would try to stop him.

"I see" said Athan as Demanda drew his attention back on her.

"Athan, I have good news to tell you" said Demanda as she smiled and Athan looked at her.

"What Is it darling?" asked Athan as he smiled and Demanda gestured that he bend down a bit so he could whisper in his ear and he did so.

"I'm pregnant, you are going to be a father" said Demanda as she whispered and Athan looked at her in disbelief.

"You are?" asked Athan as Demanda nodded and Athan carried her.

"Oh my love, we are going to be parents" said Athan as Demanda giggled and she nodded.

"Good news brother, you will be an uncle" said Athan as he smiled and he looked at Atticus.

"Such great news, I will be such a good uncle" said Atticus as he smiled and Annie looked at him as she shook her head.

"Athan, don't listen to him he's trying to kill Demanda and the baby" said Annie as she just felt so frustrated that she could not warn Demanda or Athan.

"You really will be" said Athan as he smiled.

"Brother please excuse me, sister in law, I am happy for you" said Atticus as he smiled and he walked as Annie followed after him, she did not trust him at all.

"No worry, there will be a change in my plans, knowing my brother, he will do anything for his child and wife, it's a shame that I will have to get rid of them all, for the sake of the vampire realm" said Atticus to himself as Annie could hear him.

"You are crazy, you are doing this for your own selfishness and wickedness, you can't kill your brother, Demanda and their child" said Annie as she shouted, this was insane, the worst thing was that Athan did not know just how mad his brother was, Annie could not stand it at all, she hated that all she could do was sit and watch, and not warn them.

Annie watched as days, weeks and months went by, and before she knew it, Demanda and Athan were now parents to a cute dark haired baby boy.

"Hush my baby, don't cry" said Demanda as she was carrying her baby boy as he was crying.

"He won't stop crying" said Demanda as Athan walked into the room.

"Maybe I should hold him?" asked Athan as he smiled and Demanda handed the baby to Athan as he carried him and the baby stopped crying in that same instant.

"You see, he likes his father more than his mother" said Athan as he smiled and Demanda laughed at him.

"Well then if it is like that, you should feed him, and burp him, and bathe him and change all his clothes" said Demanda as she laughed.

"As long as you help me, I will be fine" said Athan as he smiled and Demanda smiled at him.

"Do you have a name for him yet?" asked Athan as Demanda nodded.

"Abraham… Abraham Grey" said Demanda as she smiled and Annie gasped, this had to be some kind of coincidence.

"Abraham as his first name, and Grey as his second name, after my mother" said Demanda as she smiled and explained.

"Abraham Grey it is" said Athan as he smiled.

"Son, do you hear that, your name is Abraham Grey" said Athan as he looked at his sleeping son and he smiled.

"Athan let's have dinner now" said Demanda as she smiled.

"I would love to darling but I can't, Atticus and I have an important meeting to attend" said Athan.

"But it's raining outside, do you have to go?" asked Demanda.

"Sorry, love, but I have to go, we will be meeting with the human chiefs to make a deal, I have to attend this meeting" said Athan as he handed Abraham back to Demanda.

"It's alright, I understand" said Demanda.

"Thank you dear, have a good rest, and be good, I will be back very soon" said Athan as he smiled and he gave Demanda a kiss on the forehead and Abraham as well which made her smile.

"I will wait for you" said Demanda as Athan smiled and he walked out the door.

"Atticus, I think that the human chiefs should be here by now" said Athan.

"They are not coming brother" replied Atticus as Athan looked at him.

"What do you mean that they are not coming?" asked Athan.

"They are not coming because I never informed them" said Atticus.

"Atticus, what is going on here?" asked Athan.

"You see brother, you want to give lowly humans titles and freedom, when we are of course the superior beings in ever sense of the word, I am sorry brother, but I cannot allow you do that" said Atticus as he walked closer to Athan.

"Atticus, you are…" said Athan as he could not finish his words when Atticus suddenly thrusted an iron sword through him as Athan cried in pain.

"Sorry brother, you made it so hard, you, trying to change what needs to be left alone" said Atticus.

"In a way, you made me do this" said Atticus as Athan realized that he was not regenerating.

"Silver brother, silver, don't strain yourself" said Atticus.

"You are mad Atticus" said Athan as he was loosing a lot of blood.

"Save your breath brother, all this for that wife of yours" said Atticus as he smiled.

"If you dare touch Demanda or my son, I will kill you" said Athan as he felt weaker by the second.

"It will be impossible for you to kill me when you are dead, I plan to go for them both right now" said Atticus as Athan groaned in pain.

"Atticus, you will pay for this" said Athan.

"On the contrary brother, you will die, while I will live forever and establish the vampire kingdom" said Atticus as Athan lost his breath and he died as Atticus walked away with a wicked grin on his face.

The thunder crashed as Abraham started to cry and Demanda tried to rock him back to sleep.

"Don't worry Abie, it will be fine, it's just thunder" said Demanda as she rocked Abraham back to sleep and she happened to look out the window when she saw one of the guards on the ground, covered in blood as she gasped.

Something told her to run, to get out of here right now, and she wasted no second as she gently carried Abraham she grabbed her coat and she ran out of her room as she heard the cries of other vampires which made her gasp in fear, she had to get to the safest place she knew, which was the top of the castle.

Demanda ran quickly up the steps as she wrapped Abraham tightly in his swaddle as Annie followed after her and she got to the top of the Castle as she closed the door behind her and the thunder growled again as she gasped and she saw Atticus suddenly appear behind her.

"Oh Atticus, it's you, something is happening, I saw a guard dead" said Demanda.

"Oh that sister in law, that's my work, you see, I am tired of you, and your influence on my brother, because of you, he wants to make humans equal with us, can you imagine that?" asked Atticus as something told Demanda to run as she slowly backed away into the pouring rain as Abraham started to cry.

"Atticus" called Demanda.

"So I needed to make a change, and this is the result of that change" said Atticus as he smiled wickedly.

"Atticus, you are mad, Athan will never let you do this, in fact, he will be here any moment" said Demanda.

"Oh sorry to break the news to you sister in law, but he won't be coming, because he is dead, oh and might I add that I killed him" said Atticus with a smile as Demanda gasped and tears began to flow from her eyes.

"No" she cried.

"Yes" said Atticus with a wide smile.

"And now, I am going to get rid of you and your son, to cleanse the vampire race, that hybrid should have never existed in the first place" said Atticus.

"No, stay away from us, stay away" said Demanda as she moved further and further away as Annie felt so helpless that she could not nothing to stop Atticus.

"The only thing you had was a pretty face, and yet, it charmed my brother to the extent that he was ready to give up his kingdom for you" said Atticus as he brought out a sword and Demanda felt her back reach the wall as she looked down to see nothing but the raging river that was a long way down, there was no way for her to escape and she looked at Atticus with horror when he brought out his sword.

"It will be fun killing you and my nephew, although, I don't consider that thing my nephew, what is he? Human or vampire?" asked Atticus as he moved closer and closer to Demanda as she knew that he was crazy, he would kill her, she had nowhere to run to, and she knew that she had to make a choice she could not let her baby die here with her, she had to save him, somehow.

"Oh my son, my child, please have no doubt in your mind that I your mother, and your father loved you, we loved you both so much, and this is not a decision that I made on my own" said Demanda as she whispered into Abraham's crying ear as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and she cried.

"The time has come now, say goodbye to life" said Demanda as she looked at Atticus.

"You are a monster, and a wicked man" said Demanda as she turned around to the wall.

"Aren't we all? See you sister in law" said Atticus as he smiled.

"Nooo!!!" cried Annie as she looked in horror as Atticus drove his sword through the back of her chest and she lost her breath as she closed her eyes and she let go of Abraham who was crying as she dropped him down below.

"Oh what a mother, who drops her own baby, you would think that you would hold him close till the end" said Atticus in a mocking tone as he removed his sword from Demanda's lifeless body.

"You are a monster, a monster" said Annie as she cried.

"Oh poor thing, I guess no more bloodshed, he cannot survive, he fell into a river" said Atticus as he smiled, he had gotten what he wanted.

"No" said Annie as she sniffed, how could mother, father and child all die in the same day, killed by the same person?

This was unfair, life itself was unfair, they did nothing to deserve this at all, and yet Atticus could stand tall and strong in wickedness.

"The rain is stopping" said Atticus with a smile.

"This is horrible, how can you do this?" asked Annie as she closed her eyes and she cried as she suddenly opened her eyes as she was down by the river.

"Magic is made from love" came a voice in Annie's head as she saw Abraham crying as he was on a heap on branches held together and he moved down the river as she sniffed in relief, she wanted to touch him, to carry him, but she could not, the sun was starting to shine as Abraham cried even more as the river started to glow yellow.

"What is that? A baby on the river?" came a voice of a woman as she was fetching water from the river when she heard Abraham's cries.

"Must be one of those vampire's babies, leave it there" came another voice of a woman as the branched stopped on the river bed.

"No, It looks like a human baby, not a vampire" said the woman as she walked to the branches as she picked up Abraham as Annie looked at her.

"Hush baby, where is your family?" asked the woman as she tried to make Abraham stop crying.

"Don't tell me that you are going to take in that child?" asked the other woman.

"Well I can't just leave him here" said the woman.

"Come on now, help me carry that bucket of what, let's go" said the woman as she carried Abraham and she walked away with the baby.

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