
Keep you Company

"Do you miss your Realm?" asked Ollie as he smiled and Maddie and Matt walked over to the fire.

"Well I guess I do… I mean, I miss all the commodities there" said Annie.

"I miss my house… I miss going to school… sort of, and well I just miss being in a peaceful place for once" said Annie as she smiled.

"You don't consider the Witch Realm your home?" asked Ollie.

"Well no… not really, I have only ever been in the Palace and nowhere else, I don't consider it my home, but my family is my home… my mom, my dad, Curtis… Maddie, Matt, Aunt Stella, and everyone else, they are all my family" said Annie as she smiled.

"So if you could, would you go back to Sunset Village?" asked Ollie.

"Well that is a big if, I mean where would I start from? It would just be weird…" said Annie as she frowned and Ollie smiled at her.

"I guess you are right" said Ollie as he smiled.

"There is no better place to live in than in the now" said Ollie as he smiled.

"I guess so, but the now can be really tiring and depressing" said Annie as she sighed.

"You don't need to feel like that Annie, you have us to keep you company, especially me" said Ollie as he smiled and he winked and it made Annie laugh, Ollie was just so funny, and sweet, he was just himself, and Annie guessed that, that was what she liked about him, he was just so himself.

"Thank you Prince Oliver, really" said Annie as she smiled.

"It's Ollie, and no problem Annie, you can count on me, always" said Ollie as he smiled and he winked at Annie after he corrected her, seriously, he wondered when Ollie would catch on, it was taking too long.

Matt scoffed, he was beyond annoyed right now, he really wished that he could not hear their conversation so clearly.

"You can count on me" said Matt as he mimicked Ollie's voice in a high pitched tone.

"What's that?" asked Maddie as she looked at Matt as she heard him say something but she did not hear him clearly at all.

"Nothing, I was just talking to myself" said Matt as he looked at Maddie, he did not need her calling him jealous again, he just wanted to calm himself down, because whatever he was feeling right now wasn't good for him at all, it just irritated him to see Ollie and Annie like that.

"Ahh I see, since when did you start talking to yourself?" asked Maddie as she smiled, she did not believe him at all, not at all, she was not stupid, of course she knew that he could probably hear what Annie and Ollie were talking about, and it annoyed him, and hence why he scoffed.

"There is a first time for everything" replied Matt as he really did not want Maddie's trouble right now.

"Right… you and I both know what you are actually feeling, but fine, alright, we'll leave it like that" said Maddie as she smiled and Matt looked away from Maddie.

"Hey blondie, you better come make your own breakfast, because I am certainly not making any for you" said Maddie as the fire crackled and she shouted so she could make sure that Ollie could hear her.

"Hey, that's not fair Maddie, what did I do to you?" asked Ollie as he shouted back, how could he go hungry, just because of Maddie's unusual hatred for him??

"Well there is nothing fair in life" said Maddie as she smiled and he replied.

"This is unfair Maddie" said Ollie.

"Come on Maddie, don't be mean to him" said Annie as Ollie looked at her and he shook his head, he did not deserve this at all, not at all.

"Please stay out of this Annie, I am only doing what is fair, after all, I am childish" said Maddie as he smiled.

"Well you are right about that, you are childish" said Ollie as he wanted to say that out loud, but he did not want to get into more trouble with her, she was just too much.

"If the dear Prince wants breakfast, he can make it himself" said Maddie as she smiled very happily, she knew it, she did, she told him that she would get back at him, oh and she would, this was just the beginning, the slow beginning.

"But I can't cook…" said Ollie sadly as he felt bad, it was not fair, what did he do to deserve this????

"Fine, then if you want to be like that Maddie, I will just make him breakfast myself" said Annie as she stood up, this was enough, Maddie was being way too mean to Ollie, at first it was understandable, but now it was getting out of hand.

"No, no Annie, stay right there, you are not going to do anything for anyone" said Maddie as she turned to look at Annie, she could not believe that Annie was defending this guy right now, she should not have, she was putting her in a tight spot.

"I can't do that if you want to treat him horribly, I won't let you" said Annie as she was just angry now, Ollie was not supposed to be treated this way.

"Fine, Fine, I won't be mean, but just sit down Annie, you don't need to do anything" said Maddie she could not believe what was happening right now, Annie was defending Ollie? Since when were they such good friends?

Maddie could not believe that Annie was ready to argue with her, just because of this guy named Ollie, she made a mistake by leaving Annie and Ollie alone for too long, he had won her over to his side.

"Are you sure that you will?" asked Annie as she raised an eyebrow at Maddie, she did not trust her one bit, especially when It came to Ollie.

"I will" said Maddie as she nodded her head, they all knew just how weak Annie was right now, for crying out loud, she had lost a lot of weight, it was not good for her to be working too much, and hence why Maddie was not going to allow her to do anything stressful, but thanks to Ollie, Annie was not going to rest like she was supposed to.

"No funny business?" asked Annie as she had to make sure that Maddie wouldn't secretly poison Ollie's food, or put dirt in it, or spit in it, or anything nasty like that, because she knew Maddie, and she also knew what she could do to people who she did not like, heck, she used to be one of them, Maddie used to be mean to her a lot.

"Umm…" said Maddie as she hesitated, she could not believe that Annie would ask her not to do anything funny when she wanted to do just that.

"Maddie…" called Annie as she was waiting for a reply and she narrowed her eyes at Maddie.

"Alright fine, no funny business" said Maddie as he sighed reluctantly, she looked at Matt who had just decided to stay quiet and say nothing at all, which was probably the best choice in this case, but Maddie could not help but feel betrayed that Annie would stand against her, just for Ollie, it hurt, he wasn't even their friend, he only forced his way to come along with them and nothing more.

"You promise?" asked Annie as she needed more confirmation.

"I promise" said Maddie as she sighed and she nodded her head.

"Alright then" said Annie as now she was sure that Maddie would not do anything to harm Ollie.

"You got what you wanted, so sit down Annie, and don't move, I will do as you say" said Maddie as she sighed and she looked at Annie.

"Okay" said Annie as she sat back down on the log as Ollie looked at her with a smile.

"Thank you" said Ollie as he smiled and he looked at Annie.

"No problem" said Annie as she smiled at Ollie, he wasn't a bad person not at all, he was actually very nice and sweet, it just annoyed Annie that it was her friends that were being mean to him when all he did was be nice to them, sure he could be… a lot, but he was still good.

"What are friends for?" asked Annie as she smiled.

"You are right, what are friends for?" asked Ollie as he smiled, he was happy that Annie considered him her friend, and he was her friend, so they were actually friends now, it made him so happy, Annie was down, now it was only left for Maddie and Matt to like him.

"What's going on here?" asked Curtis as he walked back to the camp as he saw Annie and Ollie sitting down together while Maddie and Matt were beside the fire and Maddie looked annoyed.

"Nothing" said Maddie in annoyance as she just turned to finish making breakfast.

"Curtis, where have you been??" asked Annie as she stood up and she looked at Curtis.

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