
Forgive me

Two days later.

Ollie sighed, he had been in his room for the past two days, he laid down lazily on his bed as he stared up at the celling.

Sure he had been grounded, but that had already been lifted yesterday, and he knew that, that was because of his mother, talking to his Father, but he was not ready to come out yet, he was angry yesterday, and he was not ready to see his Father just yet.

And luckily for him, his Father did not come and see him, and well his Mother only came once but he was not in the mood to talk at that time, and well his mother had insisted on sending him food three times a day until he was ready to come out of his room, even though he did not think that was necessary at all, he could have just used a sustain spell on himself.

"You really did mess up didn't you Ollie?" asked Ollie to himself as he sighed and he threw a little white ball in the air as he caught it back in his right hand.

This was not the first time that his Father had grounded him and sent him to his room, it had happened many times, especially when he was little, but it was different this time, this time he was sent to his room for saying what was on his mind.

And now that he had calmed down and thought about it, he did go a bit too far.

Ollie had many thoughts running through his head, he thought that maybe he could just sneak out and go anywhere he wanted, but he knew that if he did do that, his Father would turn the entire Realm upside down looking for him, and he would not get far at all, so his own bid was to stay here, cooped up in this boring Castle.

Ollie wondered how Annie, Maddie and Matt, who had reasonable, normal parents lived, they must have got freedom, because that was something he never had, especially with his Father, who was always so overprotective, and strict, and Ollie did not know why.

"Well Ollie, I think we have thought enough" said Ollie as he spoke to himself, he was used to doing that, he was often alone, and he conversed with himself, it was actually fun when he thought about it, because he played some tricks on the Castle workers, he would purposely speak to himself in their presence to make them weirded out, but maybe because he was the Prince they paid no attention to him at all, or they just simply could not care less.

Ollie got out of bed as he walked to his bedroom window and he opened it as in the moment a letter came flying into his room and he caught it as it stood floating and he opened the letter.

"Well, I guess we have no choice now than to go and face Father…" said Ollie to himself as he sighed after he finished reading the letter.

His Father had called him to the training grounds, which meant that he wanted to see him, and on top of that, they were going to end up sparing.

Ollie just hoped that his Father had cooled down by now, because he had not seen him as furious as he saw him a that evening during dinner, but he could not blame him, he did go too far.

Ollie placed the letter on his bed as he closed his bedroom window and he walked out of his room as he closed the door behind him.

"You called for me Father?" asked Ollie as he walked to his Father as he saw his Father standing in the training grounds beside the swords as he had his back turned towards him.

"Yes Oliver, I did" said Albert as he turned to look Ollie.

Albert was dressed casually, in just a plain white shirt, and he looked at his son as there were still some unsaid words between them.

"Okay Father" said Ollie as he felt like the air was heavy, and he knew that it was his fault.

"Let's spar" said Albert as he took a sword from the rest as he threw it to Ollie and Ollie caught it with ease.

"Alright Father" said Ollie as Albert tied his hair in a ponytail behind him and he took a sword from himself.

"Father, I want to apologize…" said Ollie as he looked at his Father.

"I should not have spoken to you that way… regardless of how upset I was" said Ollie as he bowed his head, no matter how angry he was at that time, he should not have said the things he said to his Father the king, it was disrespect, regardless of what he if he was saying was the truth or not.

"I was being disrespectful, and I take full responsibility for my actions and the words that I said, I hope that you can please forgive me Father" said Ollie as he bowed his head.

"You are forgiven Oliver" said Albert as he smiled, Christina was right, their son had a good heart unlike him, if it was him that was hurt, he would never bring himself to apologize first.

"Really Father?" asked Ollie as he raised his head and he looked at his Father.

"Yes" replied Albert as he nodded his head.

"Thank you Father" said Ollie as he smiled.

"But you are not the only one at fault" said Albert.

"I was also wrong, so please forgive me my son" said Albert as he smiled, Ollie was surprised, his Father never admitted that he was wrong, and he never apologized.

"Father, you do not need to ask for my forgiveness, I have already forgiven you a long time ago" said Ollie as he smiled, he could never stay angry at his Father, he was his Father after all, his hero, no matter what, and they seemed to forget that they were all mortal in the end, they could not stop making mistakes, it was only natural to make mistakes.

"Thank you my son" said Albert as he smiled, he did not deserve such a good son like his Ollie.

"Shall we spar?" asked Albert as he smiled.

"Of course Father, I will surely defeat you this time" said Ollie as he smiled.

"We will see about that" said Albert as he smiled and he let Ollie come for him first as he lazily used his sword to block Ollie's attack.

"You force is weak" he said.

"I did not want to go too hard" said Ollie.

"Never go easy, even if the opponent is your own Father" said Albert as he smiled and he drew his sword away from Ollie's as he threw his sword to Ollie's right side, and Ollie blocked.

And from then, the real spar began, Albert started moving more and more as Ollie followed after him, they threw their swords at each other, their swords make a clanking sound as the sound of their blades colliding reverbed on the empty training grounds.

Albert looked like he was not even trying at all, until Ollie saw and opened and he took it as he pointed his sword at his Father's neck.

"Aha!" said Ollie as he smiled and he looked proud of himself.

"Don't' celebrate before the end Oliver" said Albert as he smiled and he used his foot to sweep Ollie off his feet as Ollie went falling down to the ground as Albert pointed his own sword at Ollie's neck.

"You were too cocky, never, ever, celebrate, until you see your opponent immobilized, do you hear me?" asked Albert as he sounded serious.

"Yes Father" said Ollie as he nodded his head.

"Good" said Albert as his sword was still pointing at Ollie's neck.

"You can go to Caligo" said Albert as Ollie blinked twice, he thought he had heard wrong, but he knew that he didn't

"I can??" he asked as he could not hide his surprise.

"Yes" replied Albert as he retracted his sword.

"Oh Thank you Father, thank you" said Ollie as he smiled and he quickly got up as he hugged Albert which caught him by surprise.

"You are welcome" said Albert as he smiled.

"But do not thank me, go and thank your Mother" said Albert as he smiled and Ollie stopped hugging him.

"I will" said Ollie as he was overjoyed.

"And don't tell her that we sparred, or else she will insist that she join us and have a rematch" said Albert.

"I won't father, after the last time, I would not dare" said Ollie as he shivered and Albert shivered as well Christina was a demon with a sword, she was better than the two of them combined.

"Thank you Father, thank you… you don't know how much this means to me" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Go now before I change my mind" said Albert as he smiled.

"Yes Father" said Ollie as he nodded his head and he quickly ran away as Albert smiled to himself, he hoped that he had done the right thing by letting Ollie go, he really did hope that it was the right choice that he had made.

"Mother… Mother…" called Ollie as he ran into his Mother's office as he did not even knock which caught Christina off guard as she was tidying her office.

"Ollie my boy, what's the matter?" asked Christina as she was worried as she looked at Ollie as he surprised her once more by giving her big hug.

"Thank you Mother…" said Ollie as he smiled and he hugged his Mother.

"Oh??" asked Christina as she was taken by surprise, she did not know what her son was thanking her for.

"What for Ollie?" asked Christina.

"For convincing Father to let me go, thank you Mother, what would I do without you?" asked Ollie as he smiled.

"Oh that…" said Christina as she finally understood what he was talking about and she smiled.

"You are welcome my boy, but be careful" said Christina.

"I will mother, trust me I will" said Ollie as he smiled and he broke their hug as Christina caressed his right cheek.

"Alright my boy, have fun, and be careful, don't do anything dangerous, and stay close to Curtis and the others alright?" asked Christina as she smiled.

"Yes Mother" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Now, do you want me to help you pack, or do you want to do it yourself?" asked Christina as she smiled.

"Are you not busy Mother?" asked Ollie.

"No, not at all, I am never busy for you my son" said Christina as she smiled and Ollie smiled at her.

"Please help me pack mother" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Alright my boy, let's go then" said Christina as she smiled and Ollie smiled at his mother, he had the best mother that he could ever wish for, in his entire life.

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