
Let Us see

"Pstt Levi I need you to do something for me" said Evie as she entered Levi's room without knocking while he was playing on his tablet.

"What is it?" asked Levi as he was still focused on his game.

"Can you please go and knock on Annie and Maddie's room door for me?" asked Evie

"Why? can't you do it yourself?" asked Levi as he looked up from his tablet and looked at Evie suspiciously.

"Well yes, but I am avoiding Maddie, but I need to talk to Annie" said Evie

"Hmmm, no" said Levi as he returned back to his game.

"What?? why?" asked Evie

"Well because you and Maddie have this war going on, and I don't want to be implicated" said Levi plainly.

"What, welll sheesh" said Evie as she was annoyed.

"As your older sister, I command you to go knock on Annie's room for me or else" said Evie

"Oh, playing the older card are you?" said Levi as he snickered

"Or else what?" asked Levi proudly, he was sure that Evie could not do anything to him even if she tried.

"Or else, I will tell mom that you have your tablet back and you took it without her permission" said Evie with a smug look on her face.

"You wouldn't dare" said Levi as he narrowed his eyes at Evie

"Try me" said Evie with a proud look on her face

"Fine!" said Levi as he stood up very annoyed and marched to Annie and Maddie's room.

"Ahhh don't forget to tell Annie to meet me in the last room at the end of the hallway" said Evie as Levi walked away and in return she received an annoyed grunt from Levi.

Meanwhile in Annie and Maddie's room

Maddie was tidying up when she heard a knock on the door and she went to check who it was.

"Oh hey, what's up Levi" said Maddie as she smiled when she opened the door and saw that it was Levi.

"Hey Maddie" said Levi as he was mopey and annoyed that his sister had blackmailed him to do her bidding.

"Why so mopey?" asked Maddie

"Ughh Evie sent me here to tell Annie to meet her in the last room at the end of the hallway" said Levi as he got this over with.

"Ahhh okay, I will tell Annie, you can go now" said Maddie

"Geez Thanks, finally see you Maddie" said Levi as he waved and turned to go his way.

"See you" said Maddie as she closed the door behind her.

Maddie was the only one in their room, Annie had gone to meet Aunt Stella since she called for her.

"Hmm why would Evie want to see Annie in the last room?" asked Maddie to herself.

"What is that Evie up to?" she asked herself

"Hmm maybe I should just go and check what she's playing at" said Maddie to herself.

"Yes, I will do that" she said. Maddie had let her curiosity get the netter of her, but little did she know that she was walking right into Evie's trap.

Maddie stopped what she was doing and she came out of her room and closed the door, she walked to the end of the hallway stealthily and she entered the last room in the hallway.

It was very dark and creepy like no one was every in this room.

"Hello?? Evie where are you?" called Maddie but she heard no reply.

"Sheesh why is this room so dark? where is the light switch?" asked Maddie to herself.

Maddie made her way around the room and she used her hands to guide her along the wall, then she finally found the light switch.

"Aha" she said to herself as she switched on the lights.

It turns out that the room was some sort of storage room that had cleaning supplies lying around.

"My gosh Maddie, this must have been Evie's trick and you fell for it" said Maddie to herself as she took a step forward and she seemed to trip over a wire.

"What was that?" asked Maddie as she looked down at the wire she tried over and before she knew it something resembling a box fell on top of her head and with it came little spiders.

The box fell on top of Maddie's head, and she removed the box from her head and in the process, little spiders came out of the box.

"Ahhhhhhh" screamed Maddie

"Spiders, spider in my hair" she screamed

"Eeeek eeek" she said as she dare not touch her hair less she gets bitten.

Maddie shook her hair vigorously in an attempt to get rid of the spiders and it worked she could see the little spiders falling out of her hair.

"Wait" said Maddie as she seemed to realize something, she bent down and picked up the supposedly "Real" spider.

"These are fake" said Maddie as she held the black rubber spider in her hand.

"Oh that Evie, she got me good didn't she" said Maddie as she laughed at how silly she was.

Maddie stood up and dusted herself off like nothing happened.

Maddie walked out of the storage room and went to Levi's room, the door was opened and Levi was nowhere in sight, all she saw was little Noey playing with building blocks on Levi's bed.

"Noey have you seen that naught sister of yours?" asked Maddie as she smiled at Noey.

At this point, Noey knew that the only one of his siblings that was always called naughty was non other than his oldest sister Evie.

Noey just looked up from the building blocks he was playing with and pointed to the right.

"Thank you Noey" said Maddie as she smiled and left the room.

Meanwhile in Stella's Office

"Aunt Stella, you called for me" said Annie as she walked into Stella's office after knocking on the door.

"Yes my dear, have a seat" said Stella as she looked up from her desk to see Annie.

"Thank you Aunt Stella" said Annie as she sat down.

"Your welcome dear, so I called you here to inform you that one of my most trusted comrades will join me in training you" said Stella.

"Ahh okay Aunt Stella" said Annie

"Yes, so tomorrow after breakfast, you have a meeting with him. His name is Professor Captious" said Stella

"Okay Aunt Stella" said Annie

"But don't worry dear, I will follow you to his office since it's the first time you are meeting him" said Stella as she smiled

"Okay Thank you Aunt Stella" said Annie as she smiled back

"Your welcome dear, now I won't keep you here any further so you can go now" said Stella

"Okay Aunt, see you later" said Annie

"Bye dear" said Stella

Meanwhile in the dorms.

Maddie walked straight to Evie's room and she barged in without knocking which startled Evie that was sitting on her bed and she fell down.

"Evie Sundew" said Maddie as she walked into the room.

Evie looked up from her bed and as she saw Maddie, she put her heart back at rest and looked very smug.

"I have to hand it to you, you got me very good" said Maddie

"Of course I did, since you managed to turn everyone against me, I will not hold back anymore" said Evie with a serious look on her face as she climbed back on her bed.

"Awww what a shame, the little princess is offended" said Maddie

"Yes yes I am, because you are mean" said Evie

"I don't think that it's a surprise to you, who has always called me mean, so it doesn't hurt" said Maddie as she pretended to be sassy and looked at her nails.

"Well you are not the only mean one, I can be as mean as you. You will see I will match up to you" said Evie with determination

"Ahh I like it little girl, let's see if you can survive" said Maddie as she smiled

"Yes, let us see" said Evie as she tried to stand on par with Maddie.

The two seemed to be in some sort of staring contest, and this was the scene that Annie walked into Evie's room.

"Umm what are the two of you doing?" asked Annie as she was confused.

"Ahh Annie welcome, it's nothing" said Maddie as she broke eye contact with Evie and looked at Annie.

"Yes Maddie is right, it's nothing" said Evie as also turned to look at Annie.

"Ummm okay?" said Annie in utter confusion.

"Anyway are you both going to keep on standing here, or are we going to go eat dinner??" asked Annie

"Ahh, yes dinner, I am starving, see you at the dining table" said Evie as she got off her bed and left the room.

"So what was that?" asked Annie

"Oh nothing, just a nice conversation between friends" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Let's go eat" said Maddie as she held Annie's arm and they walked towards the dining room.

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