
Ice Cream

"Welp, I want to get up, I have been in bed for too long" said Bella as she laughed.

"Okay Aunt" said Evie and her siblings as they moved.

Bella, used her hands to move her body to the edge of the bed, and as she moved her legs to touch the ground she fell on the ground with a thud.

"Aunt!" said the children

"Bella" said Jacob as he rushed to her side and carried Bella off the floor and placed her back on her bed, Bella was still in the daze from the fall when she heard Jacob's voice

"Bella are you okay?" he asked worriedly

"Ahh, what?" asked Bella

"Oh, yes I am, my legs just haven't got used to walking yet" said Bella sheepishly

Bella finally noticed that Jacob was very close, and it made her a bit shaky.

"Are you sure that you are alright??" asked Jacob as he inspected her legs

"Ah, yes yes I am" said Bella

"Don't worry, trust me I am perfectly fine" said Bella

"What Happened?" asked Luc as she entered the room with a tray in her hands.

"Ahh, Mom Aunt Bella fell down" said Evie

"Belle what happened?" asked Lucinda

"It's nothing, really everyone is just making a fuss out of nothing, I am perfectly fine, I just need more rest" said Bella

"Okay okay then" said Lucinda as she sensed that Bella was getting annoyed over everyone fussing about her.

"Everyone, lets let Bella rest Okay?" said Lucinda

"Okay" said Evie

"Bye Bella, we hope you get well soon" said Mrs. Grey as she and John left the room.

"Yes Aunt, get well soon, I will be back later" said Evie

"Get well soon" said the Children as they left the room.

"See you Bella and recover well" said Lucas as he waved and left the room.

Leaving Lucinda, Jacob and Bella in the room.

"Ahem" said Bella as she cleared her throat, Jacob was standing in the room, with his arms crossed over his chest, he looked like a tower that was not ready to be moved from it's spot.

"Do you want something?" asked Jacob as he noticed Bella cleared her throat

"Ah No no" said Bella as she laughed awkwardly, she looked in Lucinda's direction and Lucy noticed that she had a "Get him out of here" kind of expression on her face.

"Jacob, don't you have some important things to take care of?" asked Lucinda as she set the tray on the dressing table

"No I do not, I told Vince to handle everything" said Jacob

"Ah, I see" said Lucinda

"Well Jake, me and Belle need some girl time, so can you be a dear and give us some space?" asked Lucinda

"Sure okay" said Jacob

"Bella if you need anything, do not be hesitant to call me" said Jacob

"Ahh okay" said Bella as Jacob closed the door behind him.

"My gosh, finally he's gone, Luc I am STARVING give me food" said Bella as she moved her fingers like a child that wanted candy.

Lucinda looked at Bella hopelessly and smiled and handed her the tray.

Bella took the tray and placed it on her lap, she removed the plate on top.

"Ahh Spaghetti" said Bella

"I tell you Luc, people in comas are really suffering, I mean I am so hungry" said Bella as she deserted every table manner and ate like a barbarian as she talked with her mouth full.

"Slow down Bella" said Lucinda

"What do you mean Lucy? How can I slow down, while I was sleeping all I could think about was food" said Bella as she continued eating.

"In fact, I saw this same plate of Spaghetti in my dream" said Bella

"You can never change can you?" asked Lucinda as she laughed

"No I cannot, Like I said why change when there is nothing to change" said Bella as she finally calmed down with her eating and drank and sip of water.

"Oh yes, Lucy, is it me or is Jacob acting very strange like an alien took over his body?" asked Bella

"He's not acting that strange, maybe he is just Thankful for you saving his life" said Lucinda as she sat down on the dressing table chair.

"No no Luc, this is more than being Thankful, he might as well start carrying me on his shoulders and saying "All hail Queen Bella" at this point" said Bella

"Aww Bella, would you relax and give him a break, he really did feel bad, you should have seen the way he looked frantic" said Lucinda

"Really?? Then it must have been his conscience bothering him" said Bella as she shrugged what Lucinda said off.

"Belle I am serious, he even stayed right here, by your side for the past 3 days waiting for you to wake up" said Lucinda

"Ahh, well okay, he better just bring me my Ice Cream" said Bella

"Yes, back to important matters, Lucy I cannot feel my legs" said Bella

"I think it might be a side effect of Witches Brew" said Bella

"Ah, well last time I checked your vitals they were fine and there was nothing wrong, let's give it some days for your body to heal itself" said Lucinda

"Ahh okay, but then how do I move around??I cannot stay in bed any longer it's getting annoying" said Bella

"Well I will get Lucas to find you a wheelchair, that would help with your mobility" said Lucinda

"Okay Luc" said Bella

There was a knock on the door.

"Come In" said Lucinda

It was non other than Jacob and he had a plastic in his hand.

"I hope I am not interrupting anything" said Jacob

"No you are not, do you need something?" asked Lucinda

"No actually I have something for Bella" said Jacob

"Ahh okay what is it?" asked Bella

"Ice Cream... As I promised" said Jacob as he handed Bella the plastic bag

Bella opened the plastic bag and there was a 2 liter tub of chocolate Ice Cream, Bella's face lit up.

"Ooh Thank you Thank you, Mister Stoic, you got my favourite flavour hehe" said Bella

Jacob ignored the fact that she called him stoic and he just smiled and said "Your welcome"

"Well goodnight, get well soon" said Jacob

"Ah yes yes goodnight" waved Bella as she focused fully on her Ice Cream

"And you say he doesn't care" said Lucinda with one eyebrow up

"Haha Ahh Luc, quiet, it's nothing, I do appreciate the Ice Cream though hehe" said Bella

"So are you going to share some with me?" asked Lucinda

Bella immediately held the Ice cream close to her chest as if Lucinda as going to steal it and she said

"Well who is the patient here?? I need to recover soon as you all have been saying and it means I get to eat the Ice Cream all by myself" she said as she pouted

"Okay okay, you can eat it all yourself" said Lucinda

"Yayyyy" jubilated Bella

Meanwhile on the other side of the Castle

Jacob was in bed and he had a smile on his face, it wasn't the cold, serious smile he had on his face, rather it was a cheerful, soft smile.

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