
Who are you?

"Wowwww this place looks so mystical and magical" said Maddie as she looked around in awe.

And who wouldn't be?? The Witch World did live up to it's expectations the sky was always blue, the realm was peaceful, Alive, attractive and serene, there were worm colors everywhere that was enough to make anyone at Peace.

"Of course it is, it's not called the witch world for nothing" said Annie as she chuckled at Maddie's expression, but who could blame her? she was the exact same way when she first came here too.

"Wow I never thought it would be this beautiful" said Matt as he looked around.

"Haha well believe it and this is where we will be staying for now, at least until Cutis tells us his plans" said Annie

"Haha well Curtis i say take your time, take your time this place is just simply to beautiful" said Maddie as she did not take her eyes off everywhere she was looking at, she expected the place to be dark and gloomy like some kind of market from Harry Potter but it was just the exact opposite, the realm was very lively the trees were very green and emitting strong magic and the whole area was just reeking of enchantment.

"Maddie you really are unbelievable" said Annie as she laughed and face-palmed herself.

"Ahhh Annie welcome back" said a familiar female voice that was coming from behind Annie

"Vice Chancellor Stella i didn't expect to see you here how are you?" asked Annie with a smile as she turned to see who was greeting her.

"Haha Annie why wouldn't i wasn't to be the first one to welcome by Best Friends' granddaughter you are technically my Grandniece and Family, i am good these days and how are you?" said Stella as she walked closer and wanted to hug Annie.

"Haha yes so that means i can call you my Grand auntie" said Annie as she laughed

"Ah no that makes me sound too old" she said and Annie hugged her and said "I am good too"

Stella was wearing the usual High Council Robe and her long blonde hair was tied in a ponytail she had aged a little more since the last time Annie saw her and her blue eye's glistened.

Annie and Stella finally stopped hugging and she turned her attention to Curtis "Hello Curtis" she said as she nodded "Mhmm Stella" Curtis replied casually.

Meanwhile Matt and Maddie were captivated by the strange woman that had just walked over, they listened to the dialogue between her and Annie and they were shocked when they heard that she was the Vice Chancellor, but they were even more dumbfounded when Curtis replied to the Vice Chancellor in his usual nonchalant tone did he have no respect?? they asked themselves.

"So Annie where are your parents??" asked Stella as she looked around

"Oh well they should be here soon they just had some things to take care off before they come" said Annie

"Okay i understand" said Stella as her eyes moved to the two teenagers that were standing by the side.

"Annie who are those two??" asked Stella as her eyes moved to them.

"Oh Aunt Stella meet my Best Friends Matt and Maddie" said Annie as she urged them to come forward as she introduced them.

"Hello Ma'am nice to meet you" said Matt as he stepped forward to shake her hand.

"Haha what a charming young man, just call me Stella" said Stella as she shook his hand back, but her blue eyes turned even darker when she smelled his scent.

"Vampire!" she said as she pulled her hand away from him and took Annie behind her.

"Annie this your friend is a Vampire he can't be trusted stay behind me" she said as she pulled Annie closer to her.

"Curtis are you serious why would you let Annie hang around with a Vampire?" she asked him as she she turned hostile, but Curtis just remained calm as always.

Maddie was shocked on how quickly everything escalated rom just a friendly handshake to a hostile treat, but Matt was the one most hurt by her actions it pricked him to the core and made him feel bad, was it really so horrible for someone to be a Vampire.

"No no no Aunt Stella you have it all wrong please calm down and let me explain" said Annie as she wriggled out of her hold, but Stella didn't budge.

"Aunt Stella that's Matt he's a half Vampire, he's half Witch and Half Vampire" said Annie a she tried to explain and calm Stella down.

When Stella heard that he was a Half blood, there was only one record of a mixed marriage in their records.

"Matt??" asked Stella as she calmed down "Yes Miss Stella?" asked Matt in a tired embarrassed tone.

"Is the name of your mother Lucinda? Lucinda Hawknight?" asked Stella

Matt just nodded.

"And your Father his name is Lucas Sundew right?" asked Stella and Matt nodded

Stella sighed and said "I apologize for my attitude towards you now, i am sorry" she said as she showed how sincere she was.

"It's alright Madam Stella" said Matt

"So you know my parents??" asked Matt

"Haha know them let me talk you something i babysat your mother countless times ,she was very cute when she was a a toddler" said Stella as she recounted some pleasant memories which brought a smile to Matt's face.

"I remember one time when i took her for a walk when she was five years old, she was so little and cute and just wanted to explore everything so there was this little frog that was hopping away peacefully but Lucinda saw it and was curios to what kind of a creature it was so she picked it up and started examining it, poking it and all sorts then she had an idea to kiss it so she did and the frog bloated up immediately since it was so grossed out from the kiss and Lucinda cried saying that the frog was very mean" said Stella as she laughed

"Hahah" said Matt and Annie "It's so interesting to see Aunt Luc in a different younger light" said Annie as she was laughing.

"Yes it is, but then came the day that she fell in Love with your father Lucas, the whole High Council was against it especially her Father and so was the Kind of the Vampires, but they went ahead with it anyway and ever since that day her father, your grandfather had never agreed with her again." said Stella and everyone turned sad.

"So Madam Stella you know my Grandfather?" asked Matt

"Haha Know him?? more like we are friends he's also a Professor" said Stella

"Really??? then can i meet him?" asked Matt as he was eager to finally meet one of his Grandparents.

"I'm sorry dear but you can't maybe when your Parents are here then just maybe he might take things easier" said Stella and Matt nodded in agreement.

Stella's eyes then moved to the girl who was standing in the corner, Annie saw that she was looking at Maddie and said "Oh Aunt Stella that's Maddie"

"Hello Madam Stella" said Maddie as she walked closer

"Hmm Maddie?? Nice to meet you dear" said Stella but something caught her eyes.

"Who are you?" asked Stella as she looked at Maddie suspiciously

Annie and Matt's hearts skipped a beat when they heard Stella asked Maddie who she was, did she suspect anything?? they asked themselves.

Stella didn't know why but for some reason she felt some familiarity with this girl, she looked liked a certain someone, especially the blue eyes, they looked like someone cold and dark but no she could not be him.

"What do you mean Madam Stella i am me" said Maddie as she laughed to draw her attention away from the way Stella was looking at her.

"Hahah yes Maddie is Maddie" said Annie as she was trying to change the subject.

"Yes Madam Stella that's our Maddie" said Matt with a nervous expression.

Annie looked to Curtis for help but he just stayed quiet and watched how things played out.

"Hmm Who are your Parents??" asked Stella with suspicion

"Madam Stella i don't have Parents i am an Orphan" said Maddie as she bowed her head and fought to hold back her fake tears.

"Oh dear i am sorry about that" said Stella as her expression softened to comfort the poor child.

"If i may ask what happened to them?" she asked

"Well when i was 3 they.. they.. they died in a car accident and from then i was put in an orphanage" said Maddie as she burst into tears.

On the other hand Matt and Annie were dumbfounded by Maddie's acting she was just to good, it made them wonder if she had ever used this unique talent of hers on them, the thought of it made them shudder.

"Oh dear i am sorry" said Stella as she tried to comfort Maddie.

"It's okay Madam Stella it was not your fault that they died" said Maddie as she stopped crying and wiped away her fake tears and went back to being happy with a smile.

"Okay Dear stop crying" said Stella

"Haha yes i will" said Maddie as she smiled

"Okay now everyone let's go let me show you to your rooms!!" said Stella as she walked on the steps of the High Council and walked in and the rest followed behind her.

"That was good Acting Maddie" said Annie as she whispered to Maddie in her ear.

"Haha i know i am very good" said Maddie as she whispered back.

Maddie is such a diva lol

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts
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