
Meeting with the Sundews III

Back in the Living room the Sundew siblings were watching Tv, Levi looked up from his tablet that he was playing a game on and finally noticed that they had visitors.

"Oh Hi Annie" he said as he waved

"Oh Hi Levi how are you??" asked Annie

"Well i am good just trying to pass this level" he said as he focused his attention back to the game that he was playing.

"Okay goodluck with it" said Annie

"Oh Hi Annie!!" said Kaylee as she greeted her with a smile.

"Hi Kay how are you??" she asked

"I am good and how are you??" asked Kaylee

"I am good too" said Annie

"Oh Noey looks like he's going to sleep let me take him from you, he should go play with his toys so he stays awake till dinner is ready" said Kaylee as she explained.

"Okay" said Anne as she gave Noey over to Kaylee and she went to give him his toys.

"Hey Annie" said Ellie as she tugged Annie's sleeve

Annie looked down and saw that is was Ellie and Celeste was hiding behind her.

"Oh Hi Ellie, hi Celeste how are you??" asked Annie

"I am good, Celeste wanted to give you something" said Ellie as she pushed her shy sister in front of her.

"Oh what is it Celeste?" asked Annie

Celeste was shy but she summed up the courage and said "It's a flower crown for you, our teacher helped us make one in school" she said as she showed Annie the flower crown.

Annie looked at the flower crown it was so beautiful, there were many different flowers on it, there was a white daisy, some pink and red roses, cosmos, purple pansies, petunias.

"Ooh Celeste this is so pretty and it has a lot of my favorite colour Purple" said Annie as she took the crown from Celeste and appreciated it.

"Can i wear it?" asked Annie

And Celeste nodded and Annie replied with a very soft "Thank you!"

Annie wore it on her head and it looked very pretty on her dark black hair.

"Hi Frankie, Hi Mark, Hi Edward" said Annie as she greeted the boys and they responded with a "Hi Annie" and they went back to watching Tv

"Mom, Dad, Aunt Lucinda look was Celeste made for me" said Annie as she walked over to where the adults were talking.

"Oooh Annie it's so pretty" said Aunt Luc

"Haha yes it is" said Annie

And her parents nodded.

"Heyyy we are back" said Matt as he and his Father came through the back door in the Kitchen.

"Oooh welcome back Luke" said Lucinda as she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Matt dear welcome" she said.

"Ooh Luke dear i want you to meet some important people" said Lucinda as she brought Luke with her towards where the Grey's were standing.

"Luke this is Lisa and John Annie's parents" she said

"Lisa, John this is my husband Lucas but you can just call him Luke" she said as she introduced them to each other.

"Hello Luke nice to meet you!" said Mrs. Grey as she smiled at him.

"Hello Lisa nice to meet you too" he said as he smiled back

He and John shook hands and there seems to be a kind of mutual understanding between them, maybe it was because they were both men and Fathers.

"Hi Matt!!" said Annie as she smiled.

Matt looked over to her direction when he heard that sweet voice calling him and he said "Hi Annie how are you??" he asked as he walked closer to her

"I'm good and how are you??" she asked

"I'm good too, i love that Flower crown on your head it looks very pretty... Like you" said Matt but he didn't say the last part out loud.

"Haha Thank you Celeste made it for me" said Annie proudly

"Haha Wow i have never seen Celeste give any one except her family gifts before, that means she likes you" said Matt

"Really Yayyy" said Annie

"Look at out parents hitting it off and already chatting like close friends" said Annie as she pointed in the direction where the parents seemed to be discussing something that made them all laugh.

"Haha yes that's good" said Matt as he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oooh do you want to hear about something really funny that happened between Curtis and Evie" said Annie as she chuckled

"Oooh what happened??" asked Matt like he was listening to a hot new gist.

"Oooh like Evie saw that Curtis was watching me non stop and she thought that he liked me, so she asked him and he said no and then she asked him how old he was and Curtis said he was 1000 years old witch annoyed Evie since she thought he was lying to her and so she pulled me over to report him to me and then i told her that he is my spell book Curtis and that he doesn't like me that way, haha you should have seen the look on her face" said Annie as she burst into laughter.

"Haha yes that is our Evie always jumping to conclusions without having valid evidence" said Matt as he face-palmed while laughing.

"Okay Everyone dinner time" said Lucinda as she stopped talking took the last dishes to the table.

"Matt you are sweaty" said Lucinda

"Haha sorry mom it was from the training with Dad" said Matt

"Then how come he's not sweating like you??" asked Lucinda

And then Matt gave her a "You know why because he is way stronger than me and it was me doing all the attacking" kind of look

"Anyway go upstairs and change" said Lucinda

"Yes Ma'am" said Matt and with that he went upstairs to change.

By the time Matt came back from upstairs everyone was already sitting down at the long dining table and there was a spare seat next to Annie and so he sat down next to her.

Matt felt daggers targeted at him through Mr. Grey's eyes, but he decided to ignore him and stay calm besides he was in his own house and in the presence of his parents there would be no way he could kill him here.

Lucas and Lucinda sat next to each other on the right, and so did Lisa and John, Cutis sat at the right of Evie and with Noey on the other side, Ellie, Celeste and Kaylee all sat next to each other while Levi, Mark, Frankie and Edward sat next to each other and Annie and Matt sat next to each other.

Dinner was lively with everyone talking about their day, Kaylee said that she, Ellie and Celeste went to the creek nearby to find frogs and they found this really big green toad, Levi talked about the newest level in the latest game that he was playing.

Noey was playing with his rice and he was sitting next to Evie so she had to feed him and make sure he ate properly, Curtis was very quiet and just listened to what everyone would had to say, he only ate a little since he claimed that he didn't need to eat much.

Annie and Matt talked about school and their work, which was really boring, when everyone finished eating it was time for dessert and all the younger children shouted "Yayyyy".

Lucinda made a chocolate cake, and Annie's mom brought and Apple tart, there was also Vanilla Ice Cream Noey got Ice Cream and icing all over his face and it made him look very cute, Evie wiped it off with a napkin.

"Mhmm Mr. and Mrs. Grey you should come over more often so we get to eat more sweet things" said Evie as she ate her chocolate cake.

"Hahah maybe we just will dear" said Mrs. Grey

Even the usually neutral Curtis had a smile on his face once he tasted the Vanilla Ice cream.

"haha i see you are enjoying the Ice cream Curtis" said Evie as she laughed

"Yes i am it's soo good" said Curtis as if it was his first time tasting Ice Cream in a long time which it was.

"Haha" laughed Evie.

"Mhmm this does taste very good, but i don't think we should let Noey eat a lot of it before he gets a sugar rush and is up all night" said Lucas

"Hmm i think you're right" said Lucinda

"Evie dear please take Noey's Ice Cream away he's had enough" said Lucinda'

"Okay Mom" said Evie as she took away Noey's glass Ice Cream cup and he burst into tears.

"Oh here we go" said Lucas as he stood up and went over to where Noey was sitting and carried him up.

"Well then i think it's time for bed now Noey don't you think?" asked Lucas as he tried to calm down Noey

"I'll be back soon everyone enjoy your dessert" he said as he climbed upstairs with a already sleepy Noey from all the crying.

"Good Night Noey" said Annie as she waved at his cute little sleepy face.

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