
Blindfold 'Em


"Where am I?" Elizabeth asked groggily to the emptiness of the coach insides as she massaged her temples with her hands. Her head hurt and her eyes remained squinted. The brightness of the day light stinging at her irises. Her confusion intensified with the gallopy movement of the vehicle she was in.

'Wait. What. How am I — '

Realization dawned on her.

"That man. Last night."

Halting her thoughts she decided to scream at this point and at the very top of her lungs, thinking if she'd been kidnapped last night, how far long had they gone that someone could not hear her shout?

But before the shout could bust out of her lungs and escape out of her lips, she quickly decided on another thing. What if no one hears me? And how far gone am I?

With great effort, Elizabeth managed to endure the pain of toppling over on her side. How strangely a coach this was!

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