

Giselle was swift to join the side of her aunt Gertrude throughout the entire fundraising event. That night, because of how ravishing she was looking, Zeke wasn't the only man who summoned the right degree of boldness to speak up to the truly elegant Lady Gertrude regarding their perceived interest in her truly adorable niece. Most were men of nobility. Whilst some walked boldly to whisper their intentions in the cheerful woman's ears, donating a huge sum to the cause of the night's event as a show of their seriousness in Giselle, others got out a note directed through their perceived servants to get to the table of the Lady of the manor. The night turned out to be a handful of huge donations and pleasant gift packages. Lady Gertrude could not believe her luck and that it was all because of her niece. 

The event had finally been brought to an end. 

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