
Ken Suddenly Sick Part 1(Chapter 59)



"Good morning Sir, your new hotel has been booked and I will send you a message regarding the address."

"Morning!! Thank you!" Mike says.

Mike looks at his watch, "Huh it's 3 am?"

Mike felt dizzy, "Oh yeah I forgot 6 am we have to leave here."

"Hey, Ken wakes up!"

Ken feels annoyed, "Huh?"

"Sorry, I forgot we have to leave here at 6 am since my secretary has booked us the new hotel. We have to wake up now and wash since there are 7 of us; it will take some time to use the washroom."

Ken says, "What time now?"

Mike says, "It's 3 am."

"Huh, Mike? 3 am only let me sleep."

Mike says, "I will use the washroom first when I finished you must get up."

Ken says, "Okay and he goes back to sleep."

Kyrin turns and looks at them as they talk he can hear.

Mike tells, "Kyrin after Ken bathes you are next to bathe than the other two guys outside and then the other two guys who are sleeping."

Kyrin looks at Ken, turns to Mike, and says, "Okay".

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