
My Costar sends me something shocking

That's not a surprise, but Yao Shen still widens his eyes in wonder. "Really? How did that happen?"

The woman nods towards that place with the different coloured wood. "It's related to that. As the story goes, the tenth king liked to disguise himself as a common courtesan and entertain clients."

Yao Shen coughs into his elbow to disguise the sudden flush that climbs up his neck and ears. He knows she's probably recounting centuries old hearsay, but still! 

"Were the other kings angry about that?"

She shrugs. "Who's to say? But I guess he was ignoring his duties as a judge of souls in order to fool around here." She fans herself, smiling a little conspicuously. "That was before my time, so I have no idea."

"Do you know if there's anyone around that still remembers that time?"

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