

On reaching Wilson's co, the surrounding was filled with media and paparazzi lining up in the boundary, Kian cursed inside his Mercedes.

He breathed in and then got out of the car. The moment he did, all the cameras started flashing on him as the reporters marched towards him, firing their questions on his way.

The guards immediately surrounded him as he walked along with them in the middle. He avoided making any kind of eye contact with the cameras.

"Mr Wilson is it true are you really resigning from Wilson Oil??"

"Mr Wilson why the sudden resignation??"

"How does it feels to leave fifteen years of work in a day??"

"Is it true you are married to the Rutherford heiress??"

"Sir is it true that you both indulged in a long affair even when Miss Rutherford was contractually engaged to Mr Herrington??"

"Is it the affair that lead to this, Mr Wilson??"

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