
A One-sided Spar

It was the day after I had kicked that- I mean, since I successfully registered as a hero.

Genos had suggested a spar, mostly because he had wanted to try out Saitama's power for himself. Saitama invited me as well, and I wasn't one to decline an invitation to spar.

It would also probably do me good to test myself out on a much much stronger opponent.

Genos, at the moment, was explaining a few of the more important things that Saitama hadn't been listening to yesterday.

Namely how the Hero Registry works as well as when they would acquire hero names, names which are usually based off of the characteristics of that hero. They are usually used to capture the essence of a hero and their strengths.

He also glanced over popularity rankings, which Saitama was clearly excited for, while Genos didn't seem to care all too much.

I don't care too much either, but I would love to have fans! It will come with time, especially with my natural beauty and talent.

Wow, that came off extremely arrogant...

Well, they're my thoughts and nobody can read them.

I was watching from the side as Saitama and Genos got in position across from each other.

Did I mention this spar was taking place in a huge canyon? It wasn't too far away from City Z, being on the coast of City Z that was unused due to the steep cliffs and mountains.

I was going to cut in whenever. Genos said he had wanted to test his capabilities in comparison to Saitama, as did I.

I am still not entirely sure how strong Saitama is, but I know he is a hell of a lot stronger than I am.

"Is here good?" Saitama echoed across the canyon toward Genos.

"Yes." Genos responded.

"This is just a practice bout, right? Not fighting for real?"

"Yes, that is what I had in mind. I want you to go all-out though, so I, too, will give it my all."

With a charge of Genos' rocket propelled body he blasted toward Saitama.

As soon as the fight started I could tell it was going to be one-sided.

With next to no effort, Saitama dodged everything Genos had thrown at him, whether it was a burst of flames or a rocket propelled kick.

The ground exploded from several of Genos' attacks while he was battling Saitama. It was quite surprising.

I was still fairly close to them, so I had backed off to the top of the cliff they were fighting near.

I could see them just fine, as my eyesight acted more like a radar in all directions.

Of course, even though I was on top of the cliff, I still had a few things fired at me. Mostly from Genos as Saitama hadn't attacked yet. It was a little annoying having to dodge flames and debris constantly, but at some point I took it as training.

I deflected all the rocks coming at me, and narrowly dodged any blasts.

I nearly died a few times. Of course, not actually, I am pretty sure I could take a few blasts, but my clothes would surely not survive.

It ended with Genos a bit frustrated that Saitama wasn't taking it seriously, along with that, the fight ended in a gigantic explosion of wind that blew away the entire cliffside opposite the one I was one.

"Yeah, I don't think I will be fighting Saitama." I decided at that moment.

Saitama ended his fight and I arrived near them.

"Ah, right, you wanted to fight too." Saitama seemed a little put off.

"Mm. That's right." My face turned extremely serious, as did Saitama.



We were staring at each other intensely.

"But I kind of lost all motivation after that, hehe..." I played with my hair, a little embarrassed.

"Oh, sorry." He saw that he took the fight out of me.

"I'll still fight Genos though. He's gotten a lot stronger since we fought the... the... Genos, what was the beetle guy's name?" I asked him.


"Right, Kabuto. What a weirdly forgettable name. Anyway, Genos, I want to fight you! At full power of course." I challenged.

"Sure, just give me a moment to recharge, then we can go eat as Master Saitama suggested."

"Alright then."

I took a seat and let my eyes wander to all the destruction Genos caused, and then the one large piece of destruction that Saitama caused.

'Did... did he take out the mountains on the horizon too?'

Ya I was not going to be fighting him for the foreseeable future. Maybe when I could bullshit a power boost for myself again like I did with Kabuto, but for now it was a no.

Genos sat still as I heard a low hum circulate from within his body, along with the occasional glow of his arms and torso.

It looked kind of cool.

"Well, I am going to start preparing now, if that's alright."


I focused on doing it properly. Loosening your whole body at once is extremely difficult, especially with the knowledge of hitting the floor.

I also had the knowledge that I was extremely durable however, so that went off without a hitch and I collapsed.

"Oh, Fukui, are you alright?" Saitama asked me while I was still slumped on the ground.

My powers had already activated so I got up shakily.

"Ya, I am fine, I just have to knock myself out to get my powers goin'" My voice echoed from my whole body with my mouth unmoving.

I felt the weird vibration too, so it was a little awkward to talk.

"Woah, that's weird."

"It is for me too. I am ready whenever Genos."

"Very well. Let's get this over with." Genos' eyes sharpened, with the determination to take me out.

Probably to prove something to Saitama.

"Saitama, can you give us a countdown?" I asked.

"Sure, I guess."



I lowered myself into my style signature stance.


Genos' body started to glow with hostility and also fire.



A/N: Yay filler chapters! Wooo!

Less work for me.

Or more work if you think about the fact that I wrote more than I would have had to than if I went directly into it.

Oh well.

I am really tired. I think I need to stop going to bed at like 5:00 am

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