
Chapter 7


I lied but I hope she would understand when the time came, just like I hope she wouldn’t hit me when I change the rules of the games because I want this to look as real as possible. Pulling a grey Henley over my head to go with the black jeans I’d donned, I got ready for the day. After spending the weekend with Aria I was feeling a lot of ease even though we were not together at the moment. Maybe with her mind on acting as my partner will take her mind of things. Hopefully. I love Aria but I hate how stubborn she can get. It was during my lunch break that the bane of my workplace struck. You’d think of how wary I was of her I’d now but be attuned to her attacks but no, a cobra strikes slower than she. It’s a case of now you see me now you don’t. I bloody hated how uncomfortable she made me. Evading her hands, I turned to her with a questioning look keeping my emotions in check while sidestepping her going back to my seat. As I rounded up for the day, I decided to double up my efforts so I can quit earlier than I’d planned for. After getting home I microwaved my dinner and sat down to watch some documentaries while I ate. Once done I got my laptop and accepted more job offers while working on the unfinished jobs. Getting a text from Aria that she is home, I replied then concluded my work and shut off my laptop.