
Crossing the Rift

The Frostfish hobgoblins shrank back from Thragg, staring at him in a mixture of unbridled fear and awe, as if they were staring at a natural disaster, and Thragg almost pitied them. They knew so little of the world. If they reacted like this to Thragg, then how would they react to the Sovnar himself?

Regardless, it was Thragg's job to ensure that the Frostfish goblins were loyal. His Voice was not as powerful as the Sovnar's, and it required the goblins to submit to Thragg's voice consciously. However, this was not a difficult thing to do.

"If you do not join us, we will kill you. The choice is up to you," said Thragg, flaring out some of his yellow golden magical energy in threatening aura. He likely actually would not have killed them for when the Sovnar returned, they would submit regardless, but to make them submit now, the fear of death was best.

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