
Star - The Warlocks Come To Visit




For some reason I woke up in Artem's bed. Well, I guess it was my bed now too. I was wrapped in his arms and it was still dark out. I looked at the clock and saw it was just before five in the morning.

I must have fallen asleep and Artem brought me back here. I was starving though since I missed dinner last night. Oh well, I could just eat extra for breakfast today.

I did my best not to wake Artem as I got out of the bed. I think I managed it since I didn't see him stirring at all when I left his side.

Once I was out of the bed I silently made my way to the bathroom for a shower. I turned on the hot water and climbed into the gently cascading stream as I thought about the dream I had had last night.

I think I dreamt about my mom. I think I pulled up some long repressed hard to reach memory from when I was a really little girl. The dream made me uneasy though and I don't know why.

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