
Meeting three Guardians

[How disgraceful. Losing all your countenance just from this. You should really reflect on yourself.]

Haha. He looks like he has just eaten a pile of shit. Best thing is I am reusing his own words against him. This feels great! On the side, the bear and the tiger are rolling on the ground in tears.

Meanwhile, the elf ghost looks like he wants to disappear in the ground haha. Actually…he is legit going into hiding it seems. Wow, first time I see someone take that expression literally.

[So, do you believe that I am a friend of Yggdrasil now?]


He seems like a defeated warrior. I take an expert's tone.

[Don't worry I won't hold it against you. It's not your fault you are a dumb ghost. Because I'm benevolent I won't even try to punish you, but you should definitively reflect on your actions.]

My two wannabe disciples are on the side giving huge thumbs up. It seems they dislike how proud that guy was acting too.

"This tiger thinks you should call the other guardians for a meeting. Then again, I'm just a young and inexperienced tiger. Maybe taking care of a guest of Yggdrasil is not in your job description as a guardian directly appointed by him. Who knows…?"

Having it pointed out by the beast seems to really annoy him. As he leaves, his whole body seems to be a darker shade.

Are ghosts in this world similar to these rings that show your mood? I wonder if anyone has ever thought about processing ghosts into custom jewelry that would change color depending on the time of the day?

I really wonder what the other guardians look like. So far, I have met 2 oversized talking animals and an elf ghost. At this point, I really don't know what to expect. Perhaps there will be some hybrid coming next.

Could be anything really. We wait patiently.

"Ara Ara? What do we have here?"

That speech pattern! It shouldn't exist in real life. I know what it means.

RUN!!! Or not.

Approaches one scarily beautiful creature. Half-spider from the bottom and the top that of a woman. She seems to be wearing some kind of shirt made of silk.

Amethyst eyes, pale skin with long flowing hair. Her spider parts are all shiny black giving me the feeling of being unsullied by the world. She is staring at me curiously.

"Are you the one?"

[What are you talking about?]

"That so-called Yggdrasil's friend."

[That would be me yes. Do you want me to prove it?]

"No need. Just having the balls to say such a thing here is enough. How about we go back to my home so we can discuss in peace?"

"Hum this tiger thinks that…."

"This tiger should shut his mouth or have it shut forever!"

Scary! If I wasn't sure before, I clearly do not want to follow her now.

[Thank you for the offer, but I'll wait for all the guardians to be here!]

"Ah…but I'm a guardian too you know. There is no need to wait for these boring old geezers."

Or so she says seductively. How about no. I feel like I might enjoy it, but there is a greater chance I will dislike whatever she has planned.

Meanwhile, my 2 disciples are laying low. Apparently, both don't want to draw any aggro towards them. Thus, we wait in uncomfortable silence. Sometimes broken by her sweet promises not to be too rough. Yep, no.

After what seems like an eternity, I see the ghost coming back dragging behind him a small sturdy-looking old dwarf. This one is the most muscular old man I have seen in my life. He seems to have come in a hurry and his appearance Is a mess. Gray hair and lots of hair, all over the place. He seems to be grumbling.

"What is even the hurry?!"

"This is something serious as it is the first time something like this has happened! Of course, you need to be here."

"What exactly does that have to do with me. He's an ally, not an enemy am I right? Can't I just keep forging?"

"I had to wait while you reforged the same sword a few hundred times already just today! I'm not in the mood! Just follow!"

Wait, what? Reforge the same weapon …what?! This shouldn't be possible! How is there no loss of materials between each cycle? He just left too! This does not make sense at all…I probably just misheard him, right?

"All of the guardians currently available are now assembled. I apologize for seeming so unsightly earlier and I beg your forgiveness."

So the ghost says as he is bowing elegantly.

[Alright, you are forgiven. How many guardians are there in total?]

"I do not know."

What? How? This is confusing.

"Along the ages, a great number of guardians have been appointed. Many left this place, and it is unknown whether they are alive or dead."

Oh my god. These Guardians kept leaving so my friend kept appointing some more? How many could there be out there exactly?! It is probably better I do not think about it. Also, would they eventually return?

What would happen if they all decided to come back at the same time? Would the situation be hilarious or bad? I guess it does not matter. I should probably focus on the moment. He keeps going.

"I'm quite curious if you don't mind me asking what brings you here exactly? Also, when did you meet Yggdrasil for the first time?"

Is the ghost starting to doubt me for some reason?

"This bear can vouch for teacher's character!"

"This tiger can vouch too!"

"You two little beasts want to vouch for someone haha? It is questionable how reliable you both are in the first place haha. But still, what should we do with him? How about I simply bring him home and take care of him? He seems cute enough to look nice in my living room."

"No! We need to follow the wishes of Yggdrasil! I am just not sure what that entails exactly as he is sleeping. I guess we'll have to wait till he awakens again."

I just stand here as they start arguing. My disciple not intervening. The dwarf seems to be trying to slip away. As he is leaving, he seems to recall something.

"Right, I forgot before, but it is coming back to me. Yggdrasil did leave me a message, I simply forgot about it since I was busy forging. The newcomer should go spend some time to learn magic, with her."

So he says while pointing at the spider.

She looks at me giving what one can only describe as a sadistic smile.

I look at my disciples, but they look away.

I'm screwed, aren't I?!

A ghost, a dwarf, and a spider enter a bar...

Try and finish the joke in the comments haha.

Yes I know, Arachne and whatnot...

Zombiecreators' thoughts
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