
Old Wooden Chest

"I guess we could check it and see what it is"

"It looks like a chest," Amelka said. She was standing beside me and once I turned to her when I heard her soft voice, I saw her expression that is still in default.

"Chest? Like a treasure chest?" Urick asked.

Siti sighed, "What else could it be? You're really stupid, aren't you? I can't believe you fooled them into thinking that you're a detective."

"Bro, she could be talkin' about these!"- Urick flexed the muscles around his chest. They moved up and down and are perfectly shaped by his tight-fitted black shirt.

In reply, Siti has a disappointed face. She sighed again, though this time it is paired with her right palm across her face.

Although I find their current banter funny, I am still focused on the "chest" located at the end of the left path.

"I think Amelka's right. It looks like an old wooden chest," I said.

"So, we'll check it?" Amelka asked.

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