
The Prism Stone

The three hunters entered the room. Their air of victory was definite. As if nothing that the future held would be strange.

Malcom looked at them while he held the prism stone. He looked at Ezequiel, who was breathing with difficulty, and then asked anxiously, "What will we do?"

Ezequiel looked at him for a second and, squinting at him in the direction of the enemies, asked, "What are they doing in this place?"

Pietro, who seemed to be the leader of the trio, said, "We heard a rumor, the rumor that you had found a Rupture! We wanted to check it out!"

Ezequiel spat out some blood on the ground, the injuries he had suffered were not serious, but the accumulation of them was quite troublesome. 

As he looked at the three mages in front of him, he said, "And what if I found a Rupture? If I don't want to ask for help, I won't ask for help!"

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