
Learning The Ropes And Searching For Answers

(The Underworld, Gaia's Domain)

Gaia watches as the infant she was handed a day ago is now walking/floating around though she keeps telling to mind himself when walking into things but he simply laughs and continues. Gaia sighs but chuckles slightly "Reminds me of my children...they never did listen to me" she sighs and picks up the infant who looks at her with joy in his eyes, he leans on her shoulder and curls up slightly with Gaia smiling softly "You will be a fine god someday, I feel it in my heart" she smiles and sits down with him still clinging to her shoulder..."Oh I almost Forgot we need to give you a name...I think Kinitikós suits him well".

(A Day Later)

"Kinitikós keep your aura in check!" Nyx watches as the adolescent boy in front of her forms an orange and yellow aura around themselves but the aura keeps breaking and blasting air and rock everywhere "I'm trying but it keeps becoming unstable and breaking apart" Nyx sighs "Because you aren't focused on it...you have to empty your mind and focus otherwise you will break everything around you" Kinitikós breathes deeply and try's it one more time and manages to hold it together. Nyx smiles softly and thinks to herself "Reminds of when Aether was first learning, though at least he won't burn me with his aura if he loses control of it, but he could knock me back" She approaches him slowly "Good work Kinitikós, your doing well however I still have a few more tests for you to complete" Kinitikós sighs "Ok, toss em" Nyx chuckles slightly and motions for him to sit "This test will be of your character" she hands him a book, which he takes and opens to a number of questions "These are rather simple...I thought they'd be more vague" Nyx nods "They are vague it's just that these answers will be yours. Someone else might have very different answers to you" Kinitikós looks back at the book and writes his answers to the questions.

(The First Book's Questions)

"How should one live their life?"

"How should one act in the presence of others including friends and foes?"

"What is the most valuable thing to you?"

"What would you do if you had the power to make your desires true?"

(End Of The Book)

Kinitikós gives Nyx back the book and stares at his answers and thinks to herself, "These are very wise answers considering his age...Athena would definitely love to talk with him about philosophy. Kinitikós plays with a ball of orange and black energy in his hands while staring at Nyx "So what's next?" Nyx smiles "The next test will be of your personality" she hands him another book but this is different to the first instead of a red and pink one, while this book is a Orange and white book. Kinitikós opens and reads the many questions.

(The Second Book)

"How do you act around people?"

"What do you think people would think of you at first sight?"

"What would you do if someone needed your help?"

"What would you do if someone challenged your beliefs?"

"What would you do if you had absolute power?"

(End Of The Second Book)

Kinitikós again writes his answers but Nyx sees him take more time with this one, seeing him go to write something many times only to hold his hand back as if hesitating before he writes something he doesn't want to. He then closes the book and hands it back to Nyx who opens it and reads his answers, "My, my, such a well mannered yet energetic one. He reminds me a lot of Hypnos as a kid though he'd only have this spurt for about an hour before he fell asleep again for the rest of the day" she chuckles silently to herself before smiling "Well done, you finished the tests Kinitikós. I'm very impressed with you, you grasped the point of the tests almost immediately and answered truthfully. I will give you your answers back with some things that you might not have considered at a later date, now go on don't be late. You don't want to keep Tartarus waiting" Kinitikós nods and dashes over to Tartarus while Nyx watches him with a smile and pride in her eyes but not for herself, rather for Kinitikós"

(Far Away)

Erebus watches Kinitikós dash and thinks to himself "His existence is odd...why wasn't he around at the beginning, motion has existed since then." The god of darkness sighs "There's also the matter of his birth circumstances, this Crystal whatever it was, clearly wasn't anything natural" Erebus scratches his head "I wonder could it be...doubtful otherwise it would be obvious" Erebus looks over as Kinitikós walks into Tartarus's Domain with his eyes filled with intrigue.

(The Next Day, Tartarus's Domain)

Tartarus grins as the now adult Kinitikós stands before him playing with a ball of energy in his hands after he tested the now adult god by having him face off against some undead and a few golems "Your powers and applications of them have definitely improved my boy, you've done well" Kinitikós smiles "Thanks Tartarus, though it is rather minor" Tartarus laughs "Minor he says, like launching a ball of condensed Kinetic Energy and causing a massive explosive shockwave is minor...you do realise your potential right?" Kinitikós nods "Yes but I hope I'm never pushed that far...for my enemy's sake" both of them laugh heartily before Tartarus offers Kinitikós a drink which he takes as the two watch Nyx and Erebus leave the underworld with their hands entwined as Aether and Hemera come back down. "This is the natural cycle Kinitikós, do you remember what I told about it?" He nods "The natural order is best left alone" Tartarus nods "Yes for interference with it poses a threat not just to us gods but to the mortals that worship and serve us. You've developed a...devoted following you know" Kinitikós sighs "You mean the super serious gruff warriors?...they are a bit to serious for my tastes" Tartarus chuckles "Maybe so, but you know you won't always be able to act nonchalant you know, you will be challenged at some stage". Kinitikós "Yes, I remember you told me before, treat all with respect including your enemies" Tartarus adds "And always assume your foes are as strong if not stronger then you, otherwise arrogance will consume you".

(Later, Mount Olympus)

Kinitikós sits in the garden and thinks to himself "Who am I? Where did I come from? Who brought me into existence and why now?-" He is cut off by a voice "You ok?" Kinitikós turns to see Athena standing at the entrance to the garden "Not really, I have questions with no answers and no leads to seek them" Athena approaches and sits beside him "Tell me these questions, I might not have the answers to all but I will answer as as many as I can for you." Kinitikós nods "Ok, my first question is who am I?" Athena smiles "You are Kinitikós the primordial god of motion, friction, inertia and kinetic energy" Kinitikós nods "Yes I knew that I just wished to make sure" he breathes deeply "Ok, my second one is where did I come from?" Athena looks at him with soft eyes "You came from a sparking orange crystal that let out energy that lit up the sky" Kinitikós looks at her shocked "Your joking right?" Athena shakes her head "Quite the opposite" Kinitikós breathes deeply "Ok, last question as I don't wish to bore you. Who brought me into existence?" Athena's eyes widen and Kinitikós looks at her confused "I...am sorry Kinitikós but that is something I do not know but I can tell they that they must be very powerful." Kinitikós nods "Yeah, thanks for your help" Athena smiles "No problem, oh and be careful will you?" Kinitikós laughs and stands at the edge of he hanging garden "No promises!" He lets himself fall off the edge and Athena sighs "He really loves his exploring". She leaves the garden and thinks on the last question Kinitikós posed to her "That is a good question though...who made the crystal that brought him into existence? And why did they throw down to Earth?"

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