
I Am Medeva(Part Two)*


 Flexing her fingers, Maria's heart jumped into her throat as she realized that the nearly translucent skin, and creepy claw-like nails were hers. Throwing back the oddly heavy blanket, she looked at where her legs should've been.

 Maria screamed like a banshee as she tried to get up, then realized she was in water. As she started to hyperventilate, a creepy old woman-fish thing swam into the room. She screamed again as she flailed in the water; scratching at the woman when she came closer.

 Frightened for her life, the woman screamed for help as she swam out of the room. Three men dressed in armor swam in with what looked like body-sized, two-pronged forks in their hands. They looked around, then flashed each other confused expressions as their Queen cowered from them in the corner.

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