

Poseidon POV

It had been a few days, since I had been eaten by my supposed father to be honest, I didn't actually know how much time had passed since I had been here as 1 it was completely dark and 2 since he was the Titan of Time and the harvest, it was near impossible to tell how long I had been here.

Every now and then, I would hear random voices echoing from the deepest deps of the stomach. These voices, were most likely that of my siblings who were also devoured by our father.


Days had passed, and still no sign of Zeus coming to our rescue like he did in the stories that I used to hear in my previous life. I came to a horrifying realisation that I had realised that since gods lived forever I could quite literally, be stuck here for centuries.

The only thing stopping me from going insane, was that I was now a God. Meaning that my mind would never begin to deteriorate like that of a mortals. If I wanted to escape, I would need to become stronger than ever.

Ever since I had been reborn, I could feel a strong energy within me, roaring like a storm and clashing together like waves in sea storm. This was without a doubt my divinity.

I sat still for a few hours, trying to harness this new found power within me but to no avail, it just would not listen to my commands. Days passed and there was still no sign of progress which mad no sense, as I wished for the ability to learn things 10 times fast-

(wish activated. sorry for the delay I forgot about your existence for a few days-Random overpowered being)

I suddenly felt a surge of power, travel throughout my body. My eyes glowed blue as I felt my power rise exponentially. The acids in the stomach/prison began to grow violent as it seemed that anything in liquid form, also linked into my domain.

Was there a limit to how much power I could use at a time? I mean, I formed a large block of ice to protect myself from the acid but then that was it. Or was it that I had no source of nutrition what so ever in here, as I refused to eat Kronus' leftovers.

As I was coming up with multiple theories, as to why I could not access my powers for a while, I had failed to realise that the block of ice I was one was gradually rising. It seemed that I had caused some sort of reaction when I unlocked my power.

Kronus POV

It had been a few years since Rhea, had given birth to our last son Zeus, who I immediately ate. For some reason Rhea had been a little bit cheerful. It could only mean one thing.

She had finally realised that what I was doing, was for the sake of our kingdom and all other Titans.

I was on my throne, resting after I had just finished banishing my other siblings who were not titan, to tarturas.

Everything was going just fine, until now. I felt an immense pain rising up within me. I felt my throat expanding as something cold was travelling through it. I began to vomit all over my throne, as the pain was too much the handle.

Once I had finished, I looked down to see a boy. A titan? no....

A God

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