
Just Trust Me

By the time she realized what had happened, Margaret had already been whisked away by Marius. When she turned back to look for Laina and Dante, there was no sign of them anywhere. 

Margaret tried to wriggle out of Marius's grasp but he was not about to let her go so easily. 

"Oh Margaret, don't you enjoy my company?" Marius teased as they continued their way towards the garden. 

"Marius! Do you not remember what I told you before?" She warned him through gritted teeth. 

Marius grinned, "Of course I do, I remember all your threats. But trust me on this one, you're going to love what you see."

Just as he finished speaking, they arrived at the entrance of the garden. Margaret was glaring at Marius angrily. But as soon as the aromatic fragrance of fresh flowers permeated her senses, she could not help but turn to look. 

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