
Chapter 2

Another day of school ended as the bell finally rang again. I didn't want to stay any longer than I needed to in this trash heap of a classroom. Students in their black and white uniforms running around the just cleaned up floors enjoying their youth. I could even see the janitor's face looking a bit annoyed too. Maybe, I just don't like how these kids aren't even thinking of other shit to do than being annoying.

I packed up my things in my bag then wore my oversized yellow hoodie. There was no way that I wanted to be caught dead wearing this tacky girl's uniform, why was the skirt size for this place above the knees anyway! Isn't that a bit stupidly short? I threw my bag on my left then just bailed. Fuck this place, there's better things to do.

As I exited the classroom then into the hall, a tall teacher was waiting for me! His cheap brown suit annoyed me that I couldn't help showing a disgusted look at it then at his face. This was Chris Morris, our homeroom teacher in charge of us, also one of the school's counselors. He has a bad habit of looking into my affairs too much. Sir Morris didn't look pleased at all today. His face looked a bit nervous making him creepier than usual.

Before I could turn around and book it, he grabbed my hand. Out of reaction, I slapped him right across his face! I was already getting annoyed by sitting in a plain classroom all day. I didn't need to be grabbed like that!

Mako: Don't you fucking touch me. You might be a teacher but don't even try that shit with me.

Morris: How many times have I told you to keep that mouth of yours in check. You can't be cursing at your elders. Some people aren't as considerate.

I looked at him again, his brown hair and glasses made him appear nice. But this guy has a secret that makes me despise him. Slowly, he let go of my hand. That slap didn't appear to phase him which made me feel a bit anxious. Morris might actually be mad at me this time.

Morris: We need to talk. To my office now.

Mako: Why? I don't need to go to a dirty old office.

Morris: Why do you have to be so problematic...

Mako: Why don't you oldies just get straight to the point. I just want to leave this place already.

Morris: This isn't appropriate for what I'm going to say.

Mako: Is it?

Morris: Yeah. It is…

He led me towards a room that was filled with a ton of papers, mostly test papers that haven't been marked yet. The place was small compared to other offices I've been in. There was only one window that was across the room. No one would be able to hear us if anything happened. I was starting to feel powerless because I knew what was coming. He locked the door behind us and I moved on the desk. I put my hands on the table. As I looked at the desk, I could feel my frustration building up.

Morris: You know what to do…

Mako: I know damn it! But why…

Morris: Why?


Morris: Huh!?


Morris: But the deadline is coming up and I have to grade all of these papers too! I can't edit it all by myself!

Mako: You looked so damn serious! I thought you were going to suspend me or something. You're such a dumbass you know that.

Morris: I'm still your teacher y'know that right?

Mako: And I'm your fucking editor. I can say whatever I want or I won't fucking help you out.

Morris: Please do…

This guy's fucking secret was that he was an actual light novel author. However, what made this feel so disgusting to me was that he liked harem writing. A lot of stupid men eat that stuff up but the problem is that this guy was a god damn teacher. It's a bit weird someone teaching actual teenagers be a writer for raunchy ecchi harem novels. To be honest, it's a bit of a waste. I couldn't help facepalm and massage the temple of my head just by giving it another thought!

Mako: Why are you even writing this crap! I know you're better than that! You're a damn teacher after all.

Morris: Well… Money isn't exactly the easiest thing to come by.

Mako: Then get another fucking job. Writing this trash isn't something a teacher like you should fucking do.

Morris: That's not how it works. Jobs are a commitment. Being a teacher already takes so much time especially during this time of year.

Mako: I'm just saying you could've just mailed these to me like usual along with the regular pay.

Morris: I can't do that! It's going to be tomorrow! So please! I know it's a rush work, I'm sorry!

Mako: Then you should've spaced your time better! What the fuck did you do that was so important that you couldn't even edit your work a tiny bit.

Morris: Well it's not like I didn't write or anything. It's just that I get blind to my errors especially when I'm in the zone.

Mako: Shut the hell up. You've stock piled so much fucking pages that I can't edit this all!

Morris: Hey, I'm still your teacher y'know...

Just as I was about to throw all these papers in the air, the door slammed open with an annoying girl on the other side. Her pretty little face only annoyed me as she looked at both of us. I was sitting on the desk with my legs crossed while a teacher was sweating on the side. Mera's eyes started to misunderstand something.

Mera: What's this!? You're actually here for counseling Mako!? I'm so proud of you! I thought for sure that your rotten personality was going to stay. I'll support you for every step of the way!

Mako: Shut it, cinnamon roll. I'm here for business. Just turn that tail and leave.

Mera: Business? Don't tell me… This is some sketchy busi-

Morris: No! No! Nothing like that at all!

Mera: Phew! I thought I was about to uncover some dangerous secret or something!

Mako: You're still an idiot…

Mera: Hey, that's not nice! Mr. Morris, she's not even supposed to curse in school!

Morris: Now, now. Let's calm down here girls. I'm sure we can gain some common ground here. Ms. Mako here is helping me grade some papers for extra credit right?

Mako: Yeah, but I think I might need even more extra credit now huh.

Morris: How much more extra credit…

Mako: Double the extra credit! Unless you have a problem with that?

Morris: No… Nothing… No problem...

Mera: Are you bullying Mr. Morris too!?

Mako: Why would I do that?

Morris: No, she's just very helpful to me. Don't worry about it, Mera. What did you come here to discuss anyway?

Mera: I was going to talk about something personal about… my thing…

Morris: Oh I see… Well I don't mind having to talk about it. But Ms. Mako might have to listen since we have so much to do.

Mera: Hmmm… I don't feel comfortable about it with her around.

Mako: What are you a baby? Scared that your secret might be known to the world or something?

Mera: See what I mean? She's mean! She's always mean to me!

Morris: Now, now. Let's be considerate of the other. But it is a good way to talk about things with someone your age. I think it's good practice. If you keep talking to me about your problems then you'll only be running away from your problems. You need to tackle the problem in different ways.

Mako: Are you seriously dumping her on me?

Mera: For the first time, I'm agreeing with you. She won't ever listen to me!

Morris: Come on, girls. Let's be respectful to each other. The reason why I'm saying you should talk to Mako is because she's an honest person. She tends to speak her mind.

Mera: A bit too much.

Mako: What did you say bitc-

Morris: Language Mako! You two overall need someone you can talk to. I think this is a good way to explore things too.

Mako: This sounds like a lot of fucking work. You're not making my job easier.

Morris: Well it is my job as a counselor and I have to prioritize that first.

Mako: Then I ain't going to do this shit.

Morris: Do it for triple?

Mako: Deal.

This girl is just going to keep ruining my life again huh. It wasn't enough that she wanted to attach herself to my work life now. Seeing her smug face just makes me want to punch her so much. However, looking at my now poor counselor taking out his wallet to pay me, maybe this gig won't be so bad. I get to torture this girl even more.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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