
Green Tiles

"See, now that's cool!" Yoichi rejoiced, satisfied. "Come, Enatsu. We must look for the green tiles building", he continued, recalling by heart the words of Sada Takamori.

Unlike the tamers met by chance on the streets of Goldhaven and the Bronzeforest trees, those who inhabited the Tamer District looked different. Glittering armour and weapons of all kinds gave them a much more professional air.

So these are the warriors of the Emperor's army? Some of them look really weird! Yoichi thought, referring to a little man just over a meter tall, busy talking to an old lady.

A row of buildings, next to each other, ran along the perimeter of the district walls. Each building was the headquarters of a different guild, the names of which were engraved on the entries.

In the centre of the Tamer District, a very tall tower stood above the other buildings. Driven by curiosity, Yoichi walked right in front of its entrance, reading the name on a stone plaque a few steps from the door.

'Emperor's Heralds Guild' – it read.

"Eheh... I knew this huge palace would get your attention," Enatsu chuckled. "I am sure that with the imperial symbol of the Princess, you could become part of Tentochu's most famous guild if you like" he whispered in Yoichi's ears, continuing to walk.

"After Sui's story of her father, the last thing I want is to submit to his direct orders. You explained to me the difference between Emperor's Heralds and other tamers. I would say that for now, it will not be my choice", Yoichi answered firmly, confident of his words.

After about half an hour spent circling the central tower of the neighbourhood, the two adventurers found themselves back at the starting point.

"We came right in from there, didn't we?" Enatsu asked confusedly, pointing to the large stone arch.

"Yes. We're going round in circles," Yoichi confirmed, pausing and looking around. "I have not seen any palace with green tiles" he said.

Motionless as two children dispersed in the crowd, Enatsu and Yoichi remained silent to observe their surroundings. Their eyes continued to search for the Nightblades' headquarter, but without success.

"Excuse me" Yoichi called, drawing the attention of a passerby. He was a grown man in his fifties. Beside him, a kind of rabid-looking boar grunted out of nothing.

"We're looking for the Nightblades guild building. Can you tell me where it is?" the young tamer politely asked. Before answering, the unknown man stared at the two adventurers from head to toe.

"Hahahaha!" – without warning, he laughed outright. "It's right behind you! Hahah!" he exclaimed, keeping laughing and walking away without adding anything else.

"What? What's wrong with that guy?" Enatsu gulped in a low voice, annoyed by all that irreverence.

Yoichi turned around, looking behind his back. Between two majestic colourful buildings, a tall and narrow hovel. The roof of that structure consisted of a tiny square about ten meters high. On it, small greenish tiles, now discoloured by time.

"Are you kidding me?" Enatsu spoke again, approaching Yoichi. Next to him, the merchant stared up to the top of that building. It was so battered that it looked like some warehouse.

On its wooden door, a wooden beam, probably recycled from a tavern, read: 'Nightblades Guild'.

"Didn't you say the Nightblades guild was a famous Goldhaven guild?" Yoichi inquired, looking at his companion. "The rat hole we slept in last night was much more eye-catching " he chuckled.

"I... I can't believe it. The Nightblades are known all over the country; how can such a place be their headquarter?" Enatsu mumbled, distraught.

"Mmmh. Not too bad, let's go in," Yoichi continued, touching Ichiro's neck and inviting it to approach the entrance.

"Hey, hey. Wait a second. Do you still want to meet Sada Takamori? I remind you that with the imperial symbol, you can aspire to much more important guilds and..."

"And then what?" Yoichi interrupted. "Takamori showed a genuine interest in my skills. Although it is a gift of little value, he gave me his dagger and was kind to me despite my clumsiness," he continued.

"Okay… and? I still can't get the point."

"I want to talk to him. Returning the favour, it's the least I can do. I told him I would come personally here to Goldhaven to continue the speech we started in Ambershire, and I intend to keep my word," the young tamer affirmed. Before the merchant could reply, he stepped forward and knocked at the door.

*toc*toc* - The noise of Yoichi's knuckles on the old door wood rumbled inside the narrow, crumbling little tower.

After about thirty seconds, someone opened the door: a bald, big guy looked at Yoichi from head to toe. Despite his constitution, the expression of his face reflected his docile and kind nature.

He wore rather everyday clothes, namely a greasy t-shirt, with black stains all over, and leather trousers. Under his pants, his large bare feet rested on the tepid wooden floor.

"Hello!" the man cheered, moving his large square jaw.

"Um... hi there. I'm looking for Sada Takamori. Is he here?" Yoichi asked, smiling. The young tamer's words struggled to get out of his mouth due to the bizarre appearance of his interlocutor.

"Oh, you must be Yoichi!" the big man giggled, grabbing his hand and squeezing it forcefully. "The master has told us a lot about you! And you are?" he asked, looking at Enatsu in the background.

"I am Enatsu, his assistant" the merchant replied, beginning to get used to the idea of introduce himself as the tamer's helper.

"Oh, sure, sure. How stupid, I almost forgot. Come in! You arrived just in time for dinner," the man happily smiled, walking inside the dark building and leaving the door open.

Enatsu and Yoichi looked at each other, sharing their amazement.

"Okay, bud. It's time to rest," the young tamer spoke, petting Ichiro's neck. The horse demon stretched its back, tired after riding through the thick vegetation of the Bronzeforest.

"Azron!" Yoichi exclaimed, recalling Ichiro. Within seconds, the horse's body dissolved in the air, thickening with a downward trajectory and turning into its Demon Tooth.

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