
History Part 2

Chapter 5

Total Words: 10025

Also Really Important


How do other authors manage to reach the numbers of 100 chapter is beyond me.

Also I regret choosing the New Noble perk it made me create a history for this character.

500-450 BC

The Dragons meet the Wolf

From the Start of Daniel Azantys met Benjamin Stark. As per the promise of half the price of food for 20 years has been met with positive reactions from the other Northern Nobles and since House of Azantys will also be staying in the North at the Lands of House Blackwood who have since move to the Riverlands to fight the Andals centuries ago. In 6 months the promise shipment of food has been met with excitement from the Other Northern Lords.

6 months after that the builders from Azantys has been sent to the north to assess the land which they will be building a castle and a trade hall. It would take 20 years to finish both the building and the trade hall. The youngest of the house of Azantys was to be wed to a daughter from the Stark to solidify the union but the offspring must not have any claim to the winter throne so the offspring took the name of his father.

After that the former head of house Azantys Daniel Azantys found that the string can be made to beautiful white silk so he ordered for his last will for his youngest son to make a farm but also cautions him that he needs to be careful at handling those things.

And that was the Year when the Ancestral Family Bow was made.

So 30 years past the youngest son Edrick on his prime with an heir to the castle set out to venture to the beyond the wall with a hundred men to his side to bring the spiders egg for it to breed but first they need to build a place for the Spiders thinking on the detail of his late fathers word the spiders was big so he built a place for it to grow with only 20 Spiders.

So with that in mind he and his men went on a hunt for the spiders lair. It took 3 years to finally bear fruit they found the spiders lair smuggle 20 eggs and skedaddle out of there along the way they encounter lone giant spiders this ones they hunted and harvested the string. After that his remaining men of 4 dozen finally went home.

The ones that haven't made it because of either getting kidnapped by wildlings, getting eaten by cannibals or the spiders.

So Edrick went on and recompensated the families of the fallen ones and the 4 dozen men was greatly rewarded with money and parts of the land One near the ocean started with a village there establishing a port , One near the mountains started with a village to make a small mine, One near the Wolfwoods forest to start a farm.

The spiders will have to take a few more years to grow and from what they saw at the North they can be as large as 5 horses or as small as a dog. And so Edrick started to think what can they be fed on then he thought of those cows from the beyond the north and thinking of that he decided to go to once again with his son Edwyn to go and gather those cows not only to feed the spiders but also to feed his people when winter came.

And so they gather a large herd and transport it to using the newly build port and gave a percentage to the villages and half going to to the castle and gave them the order to breed them for 20 years and they expect a large herd for each of the villages.

450-300 BC

The Rise of Spiders Silk

And 10 years went by Edwyn Azantys took the head of the branch house of Azantys from his father who both witness the birth of the spiders since they promise that there villages for another 10 years for there cows what now there calling "Aurochs" to breed more. And so to offset this they started to buy from the mountain clans goats and the other kingdoms for livestock mainly goats and chickens. And Edwyn Azantys married a Glover named Eliza.

After 10 years both the Spiders and the Aurochs are now large enough to both harvest and to trade. In those 10 years it took 5 years just to hatch and another 5 years for it to grow to juvenile (size of dog) to adulthood (size of 2 horse) the older they get the larger they are. And so Edrick Azantys last orders are as follows

- There can only be 20 spiders here in the Spiders Pit

- When the 20 spiders lays eggs 3/4 of the eggs are to be collected and killed for there cocoons. The remaining quarter eggs are to be transported 3 weeks before they hatch are to be put in the beyond of the wall with a ten corpse of goats and chickens.

- When said 20 spiders are reaching 3 or 4 horses large half are to be killed and the remaining half are to be watch until the hatchlings reach adulthood. After that the remaining ones are to be killed and replace once again with juvenile.

- And also every 10 years they need to hunt the ones beyond the wall to both ensure the local wildlife are safe and transfer a small herd of aurochs consisting of about 20 both male or female.

The results using this string to make clothing are mixed results at the north but the rest of the kingdoms mostly lords they bought this in bulks and the valyrian gets the cocoon where it produces an even more smooth silk producing clothes that rivals the silk from Yiti.

Though the ones who were buying the most were Essos and the summer islands. And both the main branch and the branch house are getting rich because of the so silk trade.

And so in the last 10 years the only thing that happened were the birth of Aegel Azantys and the making of the Ancestral Family Sword and the Staff. The Head back then called all Azantys to celebrate at the making of all the Ancestral weapons.

Armor name

Sun Dragon Warrior Amour Set

Known Effects

One of its effects are invulnerability for a few minutes when near death

Enhance Strength

Enhance Speed

Enhance Durability

Never Rust


Star Piercer

Known Effects

- Observation Haki

- Emotional Sense

- Danger Sense

- Enhance Sight

- Any Arrows from this can pierce walls



Known Effects

- Getsuga Tensho Infused Blade when the phrase was said

- Enhance Instinct

- Incredibly Sharp

- Does Not Rust

- If thrown can be Summoned back



Known Effects

- Magnifies the Magic to incredible heights

- Perfect Control of Magic

- All Magic Potency by 90%

And so the armor and the sword are to be given at the branch house of Azantys for safekeeping.

300-200 BC

House Azantys Rumours & Outcast

Valyrian POV

Ever since the Ancestral weapons was made the rumor of House Azantys that has magical weapons that can kill an entire army with just using one weapon. The fabled armor that can withstand blows from sky height and dragon fire. The Bow that can pierce a dragon rider even in the skies.

The Sword and the Staff was the most mysterious of the lot because one they were just made but there have been some speculations in using the Sword if you know the Phrase to activate it. It will coat or unleashed a dark red blast capable of destroying castles. The staff was highly coveted by all of the Valyrian Lords including the Archon because you know wanna know why The Staff "Magnus".

It involves the how magic was trained in Valyria you need either a sacrifice to perform a task or a blood from the same valyrian just to perform magic. But the staff not only does it need a sacrifice but the spells coming from the staff is powerful enough to destroy castles and dragons.

Though a lot of them tried to do the rituals that the Azantys use but not only are they missing the one of the components which is the Dragons from the Azantys but the said Valyrian Steel must be done with a specific thing. With how frequent the Azantys use Valyrian Weapons not only did they find how to produce said Valyrian Steel but with numerous test they found out the most optimal way of actually imbuing a weapon or armor with abilities. To produce a Valyrian Steel

- Iron

- Dragon fire

- Skilled Blacksmith

- Either a lot of forcibly taken blood from either slaves or A willingly given blood from 1 man

Now it is not much when use both they still produce Valyrian Steel. What differs is that from all of the forcibly taken blood they reject the rituals not only making the weapon become a slag but a small explosion will occur but if it is willingly given blood not only does it accept the ritual but also empowers it. Yeah that's right the Ancestral Weapons are made from dying elders of the clan or Hell even the Azantys dragon rider. But the Valyrian Lords don't know that.

North POV

As all of that was going on the branch house from the north prosper from the silk trade. But since the north has a difficult terrain to go to so Aegel Azantys decided that he will make a Valyrian road to House Glover to House Stark and House Manderly. So he hired some of his Main branch builders to build said roads it is said it took 15 years because Aegel Azantys got married with a Mountain Clan girl named Valkyrie Wull so he decided that to extend the roads to incorporate the Mountain clans in building the road.

So the road going to the mountain clans are called Snake path, the road going to the Deepwood Motte Glover's Way, the road going the White Harbor is called Harbors Pavement and the road to the Winterfell is call Winters Road. The result was a faster transportation of the goods and increase trade through the roads.

The downside is that there are increased amount of bandits to combat these the son of Valkyrie and Aegel named Vaedor Azantys built a Huge barrack near at the farming village where he said that to train man & woman to become warriors of the land to protect the villages from banditry when in peacetime but in wartime they are to be used to defend the north with all there might.

Valyria POV

The rumors about the ancestral weapons of house Azantys possessing magical properties was proven true when a servant/spy from the other lords sees the head of house Azantys daughter using the bow shooting a swallow but what is most surprising is that she was blindfolded and being shot multiple times with arrows dodging all the arrows with ease and still manage to locate a bird and blindly shoot it. So the servant reports it to lords and they all started to scheme.

There thinking that they cannot just take the weapon but a honor duel may take those weapons away from them. So they scheme on how are they gonna take the weapon and vast on what kind power it can bring to them this house that started to scheme was not an enemy of the house Azantys but rather an ally. The inventors of Valyrian steel House Belial. As the House of Azantys was unknowingly has been taken interest to steal there Ancestral Family Weapon.

North POV

Vaedor Azantys look on all of his lands prospering seeing his people smile, prosper and safe from bandits. Not only that but the next few months he will be married to a Manderly named Fryda. Wishing all this happiness will last for another generation and generation to come but then a raven came. The Boltons are rebelling so he gathered all of his warriors and warrior women to be prepared for a rebellion.

It took a few years but the rebellion was put down and in that midst of War he got married with Fryda Manderly a day after the Head of House Bolton was dead. And so with a minimal losses he went home with his wife pregnant.

Valyrian POV

Years past when the rumor of the Ancestral weapon being revealed was true and so many houses tried to get the Ancestral Weapon with either gold or their daughter. The head of house Azantys was confused at first then he heard what they were asking at first and then he heard the lords speaking

Valyrian Lord 1" Hey what do you think if you manage to get the weapon from Azantys. "

Valyrian Lord 2 " When I manage to find how to make more I'm gonna be rich "

So when he heard that he search for the spy and when the servants told him there was a irregularity in the list of servants.

Servant " My Lord it said on the list here that Darren work but he was sick in that day. "

Azantys Lord " What well where is this Darren person then"

Servant " My lord he is still on his my lord "

Azantys Lord " Well then lead me to his quarter"

And so they went and what they found was that Darren was brutally killed his intestines are wrapped around his neck and using that to hang him. Terrified at this sight the servant ran and vomited while the lord stared grimly and knowing that all the ancestral weapons are gonna be coveted from now on.

Months past the Azantys Lord has receive tons of offer for the weapons but he declined all of it but then one day his daughter was challenged to a duel for " Poisoning his betrothed " of course she denied this accusations but then the Betrothed was seen weakly standing and pointing to her and promptly fainted. And so the situation in the court goes like this:

Daughter Henna Azantys " You all must believe me I didn't do it"

The Court Judge shouted " Enough you must pay recompense to the Family of Belial "

Henna Azantys " Okay then"

As the Family of Belial was secretly celebrating but then she spoke again

Henna Azantys " As my right as one of the Dragon Lord of Valyria I challenge House of Belial to a death duel. As for my champion I pick my Elder brother Aelon Azantys and I declare that the weapon use by the champion will be my families compensation but if my Brother win the house of Belial must give up 5 Valyrian Steel half of there gold and servants to house Azantys. "

The Head of Belial said with a smirk " The House Belial formally accepts the duel."

Thinking foolishly that all was worth it if they receive all of the Ancestral Armor and Weapon but they really should have heard the part that the weapon that was use by the champion is to be the compensation. Greed filling the thoughts of all the family Belial.

And so a week past the House Belial called upon Judas Belial as there champion wearing Valyrian Armor and Valyrian Sword with a dragonbone bow atop his Dragon Xerodermas while Aelon Azantys is only wearing a scarlet robe with a necklaces made out of 30 Silver coins melted together and two gloves. Judas mocked him saying profanities and then Aelon pulled his right gloves of showing on his palm a tattoo of a triangle, circle and a straight line.

Judas mocking him " Oh what are you gonna do slap me with your puny hands"

Aelon smiles and then the tattoo lights up and in the place of the is 4 feet tall Staff. The Staff " Magnus " appeared. Shock by this Judas Belial but then snaps out of it now he looks at it with greed.

And so they position themselves ready for the death battle. And Judas rode his dragon in to the air and told him this with contempt

" Ha what are you gonna do down there little man HAAHHAHAHA"

As he laughs he didn't see that Aelon smiling at him and just points his staff to Judas Dragon

" Fireball"

And then a Giant Fireball appeared and launched at the now panicking Judas. With haste he reins his dragon sideward to avoid it when they were about to avoid it Aelon said


The Fireball suddenly exploded near Judas. Disoriented Judas grabs the reins for the dragon and then went to Aelon position to engulf him in dragonfire. It didn't work because right about the dragon to breath fire on him.

" Shield Bitch"

While in his other hand showing a middle finger. As the flame dies down

" Force Push "

And both the dragon and the rider gets push to the wall. And then Judas heard

" Rain Of Light "

And in the skies rains of piercing light and gorge the dragon and miraculously Judas managed to get hit only once though he was at his chest. And so the dragon fell along with its rider.

And Aelon faces his father and sister at the stadium. He found them with smiles at there faces but they didn't notice Judas crawled out of his dragon and grab his bow and with his last willpower he draws his bows and shoot the arrow to Aelon and with that he smirks .

Aelon smiles to his family but then he felt something on his chest so he touched the area but then notices something poking at it so he looked down and saw a arrow at his chest. He turns around and saw that Judas was standing but has a bow. Piecing all of of the information he gathered from his observation he concluded that Judas crawled and pick up his bow and shoot him.

And finally he looks at his family with one last look of sorrow what he saw was that his younger sister with his betroth and brother has tears on there eyes and his father and mother shouting. With one last look he mouthed the words ' I'm sorry '.

And then he shouted the words

" Sun Shine"

And then a bright light engulf the entire arena and only the screams of Judas was heard. And as the light subsides they cannot find any trace of Aelon only the staff of Magnus remains. And what happened to Judas was that he was only a human shaped burnt mark on the wall.

And with that the duel concluded and as the House of Azantys was going home to mourn they were intercepted by the House Belial with all the rewards if they lose. The Head House said

Baemar Azantys with venom on his voice " Sisyphus Belial what is all this "

Sisyphus " Oh all of this was it not the agreed upon rewards "

Baemar " Yeah and only if one wins they can call upon the rewards "

Sisyphus smiles " Yes my youngest son was dead as was yours and so I am here to give the agreed upon rewards "

Baemar " What are you talking about both are dead no sides won"

Sisyphus still smiling " Yes I heard you but I am giving you my part of the rewards after all it is a death duel who dies receives the rewards "

Baemar thought ' This was a set up '

Sisyphus " Well here you go this is my part "

Showing all the Valyrian Weapons , Gold and Servants

And so with a heavy heart Baemar gave the Staff " Magnus " to house Belial. Sisyphus joyfully ordered a slave to gently put in on a case. And when the House Azantys was about to leave.

Sisyphus " When will my family receive the other weapons"

On this the family stopped what replaced sadness & contempt was boiling anger. When Baemar was about to kill all of this assholes his daughter step up

Henna Azantys " What do you mean"

Sisyphus still smirking" Are you deaf kid where are the rest of MY weapons"

Henna " Presumptuous of you to declare that but just like I said in the court ' I declare that the weapon use by the champion will be my families compensation' where in those words did I say you will receive our other families ancestral weapons ".

Henna turning around. Sisyphus pissed off at this he tried to lunge at the girl and then with a moments notice Henna sense warned her of the incoming danger. Sidestepping Sisyphus faceplant on the floor.

And with all of that the house of Azantys walk home. Now Sisyphus picking himself up and then thought of using the Staff to attack them. So he called the slave and bring him the staff.

Sisyphus Saying " Fireball "

Mimicking the action and words of the dead brat

But nothing happened

The Youngest Son Vinaar Azantys Shouted " Hey UGLY ONLY A AZANTYS CAN USE OUR ANCESTRAL WEAPONS"

Pissed of at this he started to once again point to the direction of the departing Azantys family intending to kill all of them

" Rain Of Light "

What he was expecting was nothing of course but when the staff feels the killing intent towards his family the staff become hot so hot in fact even if you have the legendary immunity to fire you will still feel this for it is not just hot it is soul burning hot.

Sisyphus screamed and dropped the staff when it was dropped the light in the diamond seemingly lost his light indicating that it was dormant and waiting an Azantys for it awaken it but house Belial didn't know that.

And so a year past by Henna Azantys was announce pregnant from his betroth but the coward leaves her for another woman leaving Henna Azantys to raise her daughter/son alone. And when grief was about to take her she snap out of it and decided to be strong to raise her son/daughter.

And when the birthing came what came out was a beautiful girl named Joan. And with happiness she raised her for at least 6 months until her father decided that she needs to go to the branch house at the north and for her to stay there because at the Gathering a lot of the Lords of Valyria wants to betroth her to there family so they can either have there Ancestral Weapons or to trade to house Belial there offspring.

He can only protect his youngest son. And with a heavy heart Baemar his eyes glowing red ordered her to go but he also gave them the rewards from the Belial and saying that you also need to gain the trust from the other houses so gift them the 5 valyrian sword and bring along with you the ancestral bow ' Star Piercer 'as a gift along with the gold we got from the Belial as a marriage gifts for young Joan and the offspring of Vaedor Azantys and Fryda Manderly. Do not worry I have sent them a message already.

And so along with her 50 ships filled with either gold or servants and with a tearful goodbye to her family. And went forth to the North and making her daughter promise that when something happened to her family at Valyria you must take revenge to whoever dared to try hurt her family and one day once again obtain the staff of Magnus to complete there Ancestral Weapons this desire for them grew so much that it lasted so many years until someone finally took upon themselves to once again complete the Ancestral Weapons.

North POV

And a year past Henna and her daughter Joan finally meet Vaedor Azantys and Fryda Manderly along with there child Corin Azantys who is about Joan age when they met. Of course the feedback from this from the Northern Lords is that there afraid because of the Azantys are growing stronger everyday and from the rumours the branch house has the armor and the sword that wasn't use in the civil war but all of them shut up when said family gave the Glovers, Umbers, Manderly , Wull, And Stark Valyrian Weapons.

Naming them

Stark - Winter

Manderly - Manderwraith

Umber - Heracles

Wull - Mountain Slasher

Glover - Silent Night

And time past by with the addition of about 5000 valyrian people in the lands of Azantys. Now the blacksmith from this people doesn't know how to make valyrian steel but they do know how to make a much better version of steel compared to the castle forge steel from the south they call this steel " Stainless Steel " because they tried to make a version of valyrian steel though you do need to need to sharpen it from time to time but the upside of this is that they do not rust that fast when exposed to the elements.

So seeing this Vaedor wants to make a profit from the south but selling this in the north in half of the prize because he's pretty sure that even though gifting them the Valyrian Sword the Stark are still wary of them.

Though of course he equip his men first with this weapons and then sell it. The rest are either fisherman, shepherd, farmer & Miners and Vaedor distributed them to his lands and to his villages to manage the mines , to fish when winter came and manage the massive aurochs .

And they were rumours of a village from beyond the wall made by wildlings.

10 years past

And so Joan and Corin grew up with each other traveling the lands which they will inherit and rule. Getting to know the people taking care of the aurochs herd or the spider pit. And from this they get to know each other and slowly fall for the other.

And finally they got married accompanying them are there parents with tears in there eyes and houses from the north to celebrate this day.

And from this marriage came forth the Beast to the Andals known as 'Conan the Demon Barbarian'

200BC to 100BC

Andals Invasion

15 years from now the child known as Conan Azantys is now a budding young man about to undertake a tradition to deliver aurochs and the spiders eggs to the beyond the wall and Hunting down the massive spider.

And so a dozen veteran warrior along with budding warriors from the barracks undertake the rearing of the aurochs and the other livestock like goats and chicken to the 5 boats and meet up to the village made by the wildlings called Hardhome.

Though the first meeting of the Azantys to the village was met with scrutiny though when the talks about trading livestock and weapons for rare fur or the star metal ( Iron from meteors ) and once in a while support the incoming people for hunting down spiders. And so a deal was made by the wildlings and the house of Azantys.

And since this is the first time that the deal was made so they brought excess livestock for either trade or for the spider eggs are about to hatch so they brought extra ship for the livestock.

And so Conan and his fellow travelers prepared themselves for the month long boat ride to Hardhome and when they reach it they saw a beginnings of a rather large village. And so they depart from the ship and to nice cold lands. And so they analyze there suppose entourage of 5 Wildlings that will help them in this endeavor of hunting down the Spiders.

Out of all the Wildlings the one that caught his attention the most is a red haired gorgeous woman with a spear. And so a tall man named Griffin came forth and ask

" Hello, I am Griffin we will be the ones who will help you to hunt down those spiders. So who here is the leader of this group "

[ PS. I don't know how to do a accent ]

And you came forth and said " I am"

And Griffin just looks at you and said

" Aren't You A Little Too Young To Be Leading A Group To Hunt Giant Spiders "

" Yes, Yes I am. But it is afterall a traditions from ours "

" Well Your Deathbed kid. Well let me introduce the others the dude that has the owl with him is called Raven and the other guy with the axe is Raymond. The Lady with the bow is Elena and the one who has the spear is Mera ".

And so with that you and the now called FreeFolk Group go to the village HardHome and they stayed there for at least a week before they venture out. Trading the aurochs and the other livestock for fur and the Star Metal.

And Conan trying to have a conversation with Mera the red haired gorgeous woman and just failing at every conversation embarrassing himself at the process which the freefolk and his men found amusing. And so with the many failed attempts of having a conversation he just chatted with the other hunters whos gonna come with them. He notice that Raven has a Owl and ask him about it and told him that he is a warg and capable of warging to creatures so that he may transfer his consciousness to a animal and can become that animal and having a bond to the animal.

Amaze with the capabilities of the Warg he moved on. And so days past by trading the livestock from the ships and cleaning the ships from the shit it accumulated. And so three days before they venture out the dozen Veteran ask if they have any Weirwood Forest near.

The Freefolk chief leader ask cautiously what purposes do they have for the Weirwood tree and the Veterans just said they need it for a thing and so the chief leader followed us along with his men and came with us to the forest and so the veteran pulled the remaining chickens and goats to the forest. Conan ask them

" What are you guys doing"

" Tradition "

And so you and the others followed them to the Forest and they approached the 10 chicken first they decapitated the head and hang it upside down at the branches and so they also did that to the goats. Collecting all the heads they made a hole in the dirt near the tree and prayed.

" Oh Old Gods please give us bountiful harvest and accept this blood from this animals and the heads of the animals."

And so with that they buried the heads of the animals. Shock by this Conan ask

" Wha-what's going on "

" Oh your father didn't tell you this is how we usually pray before we start hunting those spiders. It is really great morale boost "

" Aren't we suppose to have a corpse for the Spider Eggs "

" Yes we do need it that's why were leaving it here and collect the meat after that. Freshly killed animals attract predators "

And with that a day past collecting the meat and carrying it at the backpacks along with the spider eggs. And with that there voyage to the north hunting giant spiders started. Right after they found a abandoned small cave they leave the corpse and the eggs here.

And so with that the voyage continue with Raven scouting the lands for the lone giant spiders with tons of success of finding a rather large group of spiders they completely ignored that and went on to search for lone giant spiders. For a few months they found a total of 10 giant spiders of course harvesting them and then transporting the goods at the ship at each kill.

And one of those encounters almost killed Mera but Conan was there to save here earning him a kiss. And so for that Conan become a close friend to the people of HardHome because not only did he manage save Mera but what he didn't know is that he save the chieftains youngest daughter of course this cause the leader to 'convince' Conan that he is gonna be married to his daughter.

And what I mean by convince is to point the shiny end of a spear to his throat to willingly accept the proposal. And so that's how Young Conan got his wife Mera though he was reluctant at first he willingly accepted the marriage vows to the Weirwood tree for not only his wife is so beautiful at the outfit but also her father is 'convincing' him to stay along with the other freefolk fully 'convincing' him to stay and would you look at that his men is throwing flowers from there wooden cages. Yes quite nice.

And so with that he gave a letter to his men for his parents about why he is staying here for about a few year or so. And asking them to send builders here to build a fishing village. And with that a month past 3 ship was sighted with the symbol of Azantys it has both building supplies and builders.

And with that Conan took charge with the designing of hardhome and build a rather large fishing village. And with that 5 years past his wife is pregnant with his child happy at the fact that the village is prospering and a child on the way.

But good times are about to end he has gotten a letter from his grandmother to go back home something happened. And so with that he went home along with his pregnant wife to see what's going on. What he saw was his grandmother Henna crying with red eyes right next to his mother who has a arrow wound.

"Grandmother, What Happened to Mother and Where's Father "

And with that Henna told everything to her grandson. They were some troubles from the merchants telling them that the people of reach and vale was harassing them and asking for dirt cheap for there products and telling us that we are barbarians and they are our betters. To resolve that your parents travelled to the reach for why they are doing this. What they didn't know is that the reach and vale declared war to the north to bring the light of the seven to the lands once again. And once they arrived at the Reach they were assaulted by the knights.

Your father and his men using all of there strength to carve a way for the horses with a small men along with your mother but in turn your father was captured and tortured for days and he was stoned to death by the smallfolk calling him 'Demon',' Fiend' and ' Heathen'.

Those bastards didn't even have mercy to his body he was burned on a stake the lord and smallfolk laughing and when they went to extinguish the flames what they didn't use was water but instead there piss. Your mother however was attack by the knights of the vale and with the remaining men they push there limits to make way for your mother to escape when she was about to arrive the north she was shot by a man from the riverlands hunting her down for her bounty along the way she encountered with many septons and septas throwing stones and forming mobs to track down her.

Tired and exhausted when she saw a men from house Reed about to intercept her she was shot. With haste the men quickly go to a nearby resting place to treat her. Wounded and exhausted she request that she be delivered to her house as quickly as possible. Finally she arrived close to death's door.

Finish with the Story he ask who are the men that lead this, who are the ones to blame for my fathers death, the killings of my men, the ones that spurred the mobs to moved against my mother, the one who lead the knights killing the remaining men and finally the hunter who shot my mother.

" The youngest Gardener named Rud " The Seven's Light " Gardener, The Eldest Hightower Carn " The Tower " Hightower", The Heir to House Corbray, The High Septon Keat " The Holy Father ", A septon named Drak " The Sheep ", The Frey Lord Dorin " Rat Face "Frey, And the lord of a branch house of house hunter.

His eyes turning a shade of crimson and tears slowly falling of his face he asked

" Grandma Henna Do I have your permission to use the ancestral weapons and armor to exact revenge to those who hurt are family"

She nods and extends her old hand to his grandson showing a tattoo of a bow and hold his grandson hands. Then a white strands of light came out and moved to Conan arm forming a bow tattoo.

" You have my permission to use Star Piercer but you have to gain the allegiance of the other two ."

With that he hastily went to the deepest floor of the castle to the place where the remaining Ancestral Weapon Sword 'Omen' & The Ancestral Armor 'Sun Warrior'

When he arrived at a corner at the deepest floor he located a torch lever and pulled at it. He felt the wall open up and revealed a staircase and went down what he see was a small room and at the right side is a armor and the left side a sword.

First he approach the armor he reach out his arm towards the armor contrarily to the name 'Sun Warrior' . It isn't colored towards being bright but more like burnt the majority of the color is black and within the edges was a purple hue. The helmet is a reminisce of a dragon horns blackened ones. When he touch that he arrive in a place filled to the brim with weapons and in the distance he saw two dragons and two person he approaches them.

What he saw is a two dark haired purple eyes person accompanied by a large and small dragon. The First one carries a book and the one seems to be missing a leg and has a contraption in it.

The one carrying the book " Well look what have we here "

As the guy said that the dragon is getting ready to attack.

The one that has a missing leg " Woah there bud calm down"

The one carrying the book " Yes Thank you for your worries Acnologia but looks like the kid is a descendant of ours don't you think so Horrendous "

The one that has a missing leg " Yeah Calm down Toothless and Zeref You know I hate that name you can call me Hiccup"

Zeref " Well would you look at that he has the Azantys hair, nose and eyes? "

And as he said the word 'eyes' Hiccup turned around and look at again

" Hey man what happened "

Sayin all what has been happening when you said the Ancestral Bow and retrieving the Ancestral Sword to fight the invading

Hiccup " Wait Atalanta is here and the family finally completed the Ancestral Weapons"

Conan said confusingly " Who is Atalanta"

Zeref said " She is Already at your wrist kid"

Conan said " The Bow? But I thought it was called 'Star Piercer' "

Hiccup said " Kid Atalanta is the spirit of the dragon rider that inhibits the blade like this armor is called 'Sun Warrior' it inhibits me and Zeref here."

Conan said " So my ancestors and there dragon inhibits the Ancestral Weapons"

Zeref said " Hmmm, Yes Descendant we are your ancestors and we inhibit the ancestral weapons and if we found you worthy you can use us."

Conan " Wow, So can I use you the ancestral armor to aid me "

Zeref and Hiccup look at each other and said " Sure"

With that you breathed a sigh of relief

Zeref " Descendant Do not let your guard down we only accepted because we are use to it. The first time we where use we gave the individual a trial to fulfill if he failed he can never don the Armor so do be careful to the new additions the Sword and the Staff most likely they are still giving out trials to you descendants ."

Hiccup " So do be careful and use your wits and strength to overcame the challenge "

With that Conan jolted up he looks around and then looks at the right side where the armor was he found nothing and then he looked down only to see he is wearing the armor. And with that he looks at the Sword 'Omen'

Breathing in and out he moved to the Blade and he thinks ' For my family' before touching the blade.

And he was transported to a plane of the castle but greyer and has a red moon there he saw a white dressed men he approach him.

White dressed man " Well would you look at that my first ever participant. Hello my name is hmmmm-I seem to have forgotten it but you may call me Moon"

Conan " I am ready "

Moon smiled " Well first the trial of the body"

As he said that a shadow arm came to restrict you but with all of your strength you broke the shadow arms and free yourself. After that you didn't saw an incoming shadow spear to your chest you vomited blood but you stand up focus for the incoming hail of swords you dodged all of them but see that they are coming back so going to the nearest building he face the incoming swords and then dodges them once again but this time the blades are stuck to the wall unable to be dislodge.

Moon clapping as he removed the spear and healed you

" Well done but there are two more trials left. This time is gonna be harder the Trial of the Mind starts now"

As he said that you where healed and then suddenly everything went dark . You heard whispers from your parents that they are disappointed and should have abandoned you.

People from the North thought of you as a Wildling and the FreeFolk thought of you as a kneeler. As this whispers getting stronger you are in a fetal position until you heard your wife Mera along with your unborn child. You snap out of the illusion and face Moon with newer determination.

Moon still smiling

" I'm impressed though though this is the first time I had a participant I am pretty sure you were supposed to break. Oh well your final test. The Trial of the Soul. This one is teeny special if you fail I will replace your soul and you will replace me as the soul spirit from now on. So if you value your life you can back out now."

You face Moon with so much determination .You have faced so much in this small time and this guy is just saying give up and return nothing. No you once again looked at him with red eyes challenging him.

Moon" Well its your life. Don't be a sore loser if you fail hahaha"

With that he released a massive energy and slowly formed a blade the Sword 'Omen' Appeared and with that he stabbed . Conan soul was damaged by the Sword. Your soul crumbling losing all the colors in your face and then as your soul is about to be devoured you once again think of your parents, your people, your wife and a happy child frolicking around the castle. With that you shouted


As you did that the Sword 'Omen' got absorbed instead

Moon claps

" Congratulations are in order but to fully activate Omens Power utter this phrase:

Skulls for the Skull Throne

Blood for the Blood God

Bodies for the Baneful One

Souls for Scythes End

It will released a energy capable of destroying ones soul or releasing the energy capable of cutting castles in half. Well its been fun bye for now."

As all that happened the blade go to your right wrist a tattoo of a sword. You look at it and thinks 'Yeah time to call people'

And as you went out to the room with your wife and grandma and go to your dying mother.

"Mother I will take revenge for you and father"

As you said that your mother opens her eyes and touch your cheek and then smiles at you. Finally seeing her son and looks around seeing her mother and her daughter in law with a bulging stomach. She whispered

"Take care of your wife, Son"

Breathing her last breath and then finally she closes her eyes and death has grip your mother soul. Conan cried with red eyes sadden at the fact that his mother and father is dead. For a few minutes you stop crying and ordered your men to defend the lands of Azantys and I shall alone go to the enemy. Mera tried to stop you but you whispered to her ears

'You need to take care of our child. And do not worry my love I will be back for you and for my child.'

Before Conan venture he first got 7 weirwood saplings and arrows made out of fallen branches of Weirwood with steel tips. With that you venture out to Moat Caitlin where there is a gathering of the Northern Lords. It took you weeks before reaching the Moat Caitlin you see men preparing to fight the incoming army of the Reach and the Vale. You finally arrive where the Northern Lords are having the War meeting. There you see the Karden Stark wielding Ice his son Darvin Stark wielding the sword Winter among those you see are the ones that your grandmother gave the Valyrian Swords . Karden Stark ask you

" Lord Azantys glad you came I give you my condolences for your parents. But where are your men. "

Conan said grateful for the condolences " Thank you King Stark the reason why there is no men because they are defending my wife and my lands"

Darvin Stark shock " Then what are you doing here with a wooden crate that has a weirwood saplings? Are you here to plant weirwood there are some places for that you know"

Conan said " Don't worry about it. And King Stark I would like to have your permission to attack the ones that have attacked my family."

Karden Stark his eye brows almost making a unibrow " You alone plan to kill the ones that orchestrated your parents deaths aren't one of them a Gardener the youngest one in fact. And you want to charge ALONE with little to no protection and your only protection is the clothes and no weapons your wearing while carrying around a cart filled with weirwood saplings to kill a highly guarded individuals. You know if you die for this I'm not gonna be the one who is to blame."

Conan said " Yes."

With that he ventured to the nearest one which is Lord Dorin " Rat Face "Frey when he got there he was surrounded with hundreds of guards and archers.

Dorin " Rat Face "Frey smiling and Laughing" Hello there little boy what seems the problem did the your whore of a mother died from her wounds Hahahha"

Conan face is just blank but his hands are clench so tight but he said this to him " I'm gonna enjoy pummeling you to death"

Dorin " Rat Face "Frey " HA with what boy from what I can see you have no armor, no weapons, your only carry a quiver with 7 arrows and a cart with w-"

As he said that bright light fills the place and in the place of Conan Azantys is a tall armored man with what seems a dragon helmet. With that Lord Frey ordered the archers to launch their arrows. Not one arrow manage to hit him and with that Lord Frey shouted to his guards

" What are you doing KILL HIM YOU FOOLS!!"

With that the hundred men and the archers keep firing and charging him. Conan dodging all the guards attacks and one by one the guards fell by miss arrows fired by the archers since that's happening you slowly but surely gets closer to Lord Rat Face who keeps shouting profanities to the archer when all the arrows are used up seeing all the guards either dead or dying from arrows they all fled away from Conan.

The Rat face Lord keeps stuttering trying but failing to convince that he didn't do anything. But it all ends and just like he said he pummeled him to his face multiple times and when he hit 69 the Rat Face Lord head burst brain matter all over the ground with that he gathered all the freshly dead guard around one of the Weirwood Sapling that he planted bleeding all around the ground and finally the headless Lord Frey is tied up in a sitting position near the Weirwood his head and Conan step back summoned the Bow ' Star Piercer ' with the arrow made from the weirwood.

" I dedicate this sacrifices in the name of the Old Gods "

With that he shot the arrow to the already dead Lord Frey in the heart. And as the headless body fall the blood dripping the Sapling grew to a astounding rate the blood somehow went to the sapling now what he sees is a fully grown Weirwood tree at the center of a forest near the twins. With that he goes to the next one a guy named Drak " The Sheep " his body is found with several dead bodies presumed to be the ones with him that started the mobs to hinder the movement of Joan Azantys the most noticeable mark is a arrow right at the middle of the eyebrows near what seemingly is a Weirwood tree with a wheel tracks .

With that a couple of the villages are either burned, destroyed and abandoned the septa's and septons had it worse there bodies are found to be near a Weirwood trees cut in half or stuck via a wooden spear. The people of the north trying to go where the fight is suppose to be only finds wheel tracks to each villages. But one day Conan heard that the army of the reach and the vale is almost near but when he heard the names Rud " The Seven's Light " Gardener, The Eldest Hightower Carn " The Tower " Hightower & The Heir to House Corbray. So he decided that to go the place where the battle will occur to kill them all. With that he ventured out

A day past he finally arrive in the an encampment of the armies of both vale and reach preparing all the equipment for the attack of armies of the north mainly ballista and catapult which is a day past before you. So with that he first summoned the armor and the bow puts it his back and the sword and puts it at the cart. With that he charge. The thoughts of the people were in the lines of 'What in the Seven Hell' ' Why is that guy carrying a cart' ' Are there bodies ' ' Is he carrying the news ' .

With that first he managed to locate one of the individuals he is looking for namely the Heir to House Corbray. Conan stops at draws his bow with the arrow and let loose hitting him at the heart with that he died and so seeing that the small army of reach and vale charges right at him. Summoning the sword to his hands he muttered the phrase

'Skulls for the Skull Throne

Blood for the Blood God

Bodies for the Baneful One

Souls for Scythes End'

With the the Sword Omen releases a dark red energy at then coats the blade. He charges the incoming small army probably consisting of about thousands of Knights the overall army are about 150,000 strong.

This is just what seems like a scouting army and just preparing the ballista and the catapults for the incoming army. With that Conan charges and then made a slashing motion that made a dark red sword slash killing all the frontline soldiers killing about half of the soldiers seeing that a quarter fled but some still stayed calling him Demon so with that Conan killed all of them. When all was done he destroyed the small army and there weapons and planted the Weirwood Sapling once again planting and letting the tree feeds the blood from his enemy.

Then he keeps doing this to the other encampment reducing the other encampments trying to find the other two people leaving behind trails of blood. Though in the way he manages to find the branch head of the house hunter he is dead with a arrow at his neck right next to a Weirwood Tree surrounded by the bodies of the septon and septa . And then when he arrive at the Vale is pulling the cart he heard horses about to come here so he moved to the side so he can let them past this is how he manages to escape the other people by unsummoning the armor and the weapons his clothes all tattered making himself look like a smallfolk bypassing all the search conducted by the knights.

Though in the passing he finds the other two with them with a small groups of heirs and a 100 skilled knights defending them. Conan's eyes turned bright red and then stood at the path they were taking. The Rud " The Seven's Light " Gardener Said

"Peasant, Why are you blocking are path to bring the light to those heathens "

Conan said " You killed my Father, Prepare to die "

With that he summoned all the armor and the sword he charges at them killing half the elite knights but he is surrounded when a sword hit him at the back his armor glowed white bright activating the effect of the armor invulnerability for a few minutes along. With the added boost he killed the remaining knights some of the heir and Eldest Hightower Carn " The Tower " Hightower to stay and fight Conan bringing time to the Rud " The Seven's Light " Gardener to escape. But what Carn receives is a arrow at the head and the remaining heirs are afraid and wetting their pants they were swiftly killed and you summoned the Bow " Star Piercer " to kill the Gardener though it was being block by the other heirs retreating but it doesn't matter he just nock the arrow and then release and then the arrow flew hitting three people then the Gardener was shot at the heart dying.

With all of that was done he planted to two Weirwood Saplings letting the other heir to run right about now the killing spree he committed is about quarter the total army dealing a huge blow to the army and there morale.

" Two down, One more to go"

Conan leaves the battlefield towards to the Reach specifically the Starry Sept where the The High Septon Keat " The Holy Father " is staying. You move towards which took you months to be there killing the septa and septons and destroying the septs. When you finally arrive at the reach you summoned

Sword "Omen" saying the phrase once again.

'Skulls for the Skull Throne

Blood for the Blood God

Bodies for the Baneful One

Souls for Scythes End'

Making a slashing motion a dark red beam destroyed a good portion of the smallfolk killing a lot of people he did this about 7 times signifying how many gods they have. When all was done the smallfolk is mostly killed you approach to the starry sept you arrive at the halls of the Sept a lot of septa cowering at the corner and the septons armed with wooden tools. There you see the "Holy Father" .

" So this is where you are cowering like little cowards when face with the consequences of your action. Tell me did you enjoy burning my parents because I sure am will start a fire "

With that Conan slit there throats and then burning the Sept though all before that he planted the LAST Weirwood sapling with the blood of the people the tree is still not growing so Conan burned the sept and in its place is a lone Weirwood Tree with ashes from the septa and Septons. When all was done you travelled back to the Moat Caitlin.

Conan arrived to the north meeting the lords who now called him the Conan " Demon Barbarian " Azantys. He completely ignored all of that then when the Ceremonies was happening Karden Stark thank him for further weakening the Army if not they would have more trouble than they can handle. Conan just bowed completely ignoring after that he just wants to go home. Which he did a few weeks later discussing the loot they get from the surrendered kingdoms. Conan went home with a 3 dozen of treasures most has gold in it.

When he got home he received a hug from his grandmother then ask where Mera is she just pointed there Conan see a small baby with his wife Mera. Conan smiled and said

" Hey Honey, I'm home"

With all that was done years past by there were some changes he ordered that the Reach and the Vale will not receive any of the goods especially the silk the only ones they receive are second handed ones making them a laughing stock by all the lords. And with that his daughter Cana Azantys was playing all the smiled he smiled at her.

In the coming years of what soon will be called the " Doom Of Valyria " the family has survived numerous disasters from when they visited Dorne they were hit with a sand tornado, The Lands of Azantys felt a massive earthquake, The Heir to the Azantys somehow managed to survive a giant wave when he was at the sea. But not all of it is bad first the sand tornado manages to reveal a Rhoynish temple revealing ways for how to get water for Dorne so has a alliance. The earthquake manages to destroy the small unnecessary buildings and revealing a new silver vein at the mining village. The heir manages to find Braavos and made a trade route towards them.

And then finally the doom came the survivors are only the Targayens which the house Azantys has only a neutral opinion of them. With that deciding to change there last name to House Richwood there house words are " Beware Of Natures Wrath ". And swearing themselves to the North not the Starks but the North. The head of House Richwood signed a blood bound oath in front of a Weirwood tree. That they will do the best that they can do to protect the North but if the Starks manages to somehow pissed them off and offend them they will rebel and replace them to whoever were worthy at the time.

Of course the king at the time was royally pissed at this that he could not have the full trust of his newly named Richwood house to serve them faithfully. Granted that they will still follow the Starks but if the Stark in question are just like his ancestor Brandon the Burner where he burned down the ships leaving them defenseless to the Ironborn than they will rebel and replace him.

With that Long Years past by you see a man and a woman. The mans name is Harry Richwood with his Wife Selene Richwood nee Mormont. They just notice that the Maester they hired is acting suspicious and when they managed to find out that he was trying to find the secretes of Valyria for them to collect and take care of them in the process via poisoning the soon to be pregnant Selene to destroy the lines of the accursed family of heathens and demons assigned by the High Septon of the time and the archmaester to kill them.

They were angered by this and as a sign that the maester are not welcome anymore the headless maester now rest at a nearby weirwood tree. Though the septons are right about one thing though they should have killed the baby because what came out of the union was when the dark times of the Faith of the Seven.


This goddamn thing took about 3 weeks of work

This One chapter took about 3 weeks granted that one of those weeks are my Midterm Test but still I cannot believe it took me this long to finish this.

HeavenlyMarkscreators' thoughts
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