


The solemn music burst out from the strings like Death himself had chosen the melody. Each person he passed woke up from their earlier stupor. No one knew what happened. It was all too fast for most to notice.

Something had changed, but they were unsure about what. Those that knew said nothing.

As Hugo headed to his destination, the music and a trail of Black Matter followed him. The particles resembled sparsely distributed black snow that fell upon the earth as a warning. 

Hugo knew very well that Vector could see him. And he made sure that as he killed various Plague Monsters, Vector knew he could see him too.

The man didn't have a physical presence that was visible. But like the Gods of ancient times, his servants saw and heard for him. He needed not to be there for himself, but Hugo would make sure that when all the Plague Monsters and Hybrids died, Vector would come out of his hiding hole.

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