

Joon-won went home, got some rest, and before he knew it, he was in front of a similar football field with Son Hwan waving his hand from the other side of the road. They were 30 minutes early, as Son Hwan seemed to be really bored and came ahead of the decided time.

"Joon-won, thanks for coming out. It was getting boring back at home, so I just came early. Let's go and exercise a little before we play. It's been a while since I had a ball under my feet," Son Hwan suggested as both of them walked onto the ground.

Joon-won was pleasantly surprised once again by Son Hwan over the next 3 hours. He was very good at football, way better than Joon-won. When the others in the club arrived, Son Hwan quickly started chatting with them and was quite smooth. Joon-won remembered how he was when he first spoke with them; he didn't talk much and only responded.

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