

The dim light coming from the old lantern did not reach the threshold of the door where my faithful servants were standing, because of this, they were not visible, only their burning eyes betrayed their presence.

Apes brushed off the clinging pieces of the iron door.

Across from me, Sangyuneam looked at them with a lost expression.

- What the hell is going on here???

Demonic slime and the Bee King…

The gladiator clutched his head and fell to the floor in a fit.

I was able to get up now.

- Inject him with poison, so that he will forget what was here.

"All right.Apes formed a sting on his finger and injected poison into the sleeping gladiator.

- Done.

- All right, let's go.

Passing through the twisted opening, I accidentally bent sharp, protruding pieces of metal.

In the corridor, the students were still unconscious, and after leaving the corridor, we left the Colosseum.

A crowd of students, just like us, headed for the Academy.

In the crowd, the ranks parted at the sight of us, and in the crowd, you could hear a whisper:

"Hey, isn't that the guy who killed ten people in the first minutes of the battle?"

"Yes, that's him.

The creepy guy didn't even hesitate when he raised the scythe over their heads.

"My Lord, you have gained notoriety in the company of these insects.

Limus regarded the students with disdain.

-Who will have more worries, the one who kills in a simulation battle, but kills "treacherously" or the one who tries to look "noble" and "fair" like that guy?

- The "noble" - Apes supported the conversation.

- Yes, it is not difficult to guess that he will get more and more often than me, and I do not like the company of people at all.

Well, that's not our main concern.

We need to complete the portal as soon as possible and move to the Great Pyramid, where I can safely begin the third stage of metamorphosis.

"It's almost complete, all we have to do is find the source of the magic power and connect it to the portal to launch it.

"There's nothing to look for, Limus.

There are so many people around that you can use, why not use them?

-You are right, but only partially, to feed such a portal, you will need a hundred, or even a thousand times more people than there are currently in the Academies.

- Let's go to the room, I'll take the energy from the ground.

After a while, we were in the room.

We barricaded the door with everything that was in the room, the windows were closed, everything is ready for my plan…

I opened the roots, their ends took the shape of drills, and I began to drill.

I planted the roots through the wall, not directly, all for the sake of stealth.

I drilled for a long time until the roots reached the oil deposits.

A huge amount of energy was flowing into me, and I in turn was channeling it into the portal.

The portal activated, the blue symbols shone, and a huge rift formed in the air.

First we drove the bees into it, and then we entered it ourselves.

The portal closed....

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