
"Born Again"

I barely opened my eyes, I was surrounded by a transparent slime.

Even so, I could breathe.

Sunlight filtered through the slime.

The green shell was translucent, I hit it, it was elastic.

How do I get out of here?


I noticed something that looked like the roots of a tree, but the structure was flexible and elastic.

I pulled one of these roots, and realized that they were growing out of me…

The roots stirred, the ends turned from greenish to grayish metallic, and they became as hard as steel.

The ends took on a sharp shape.

I looked at the shell, and the roots went through it like butter.

I was pushed out with the slime.

Despite the fact that it was a windless, sunny day, I was terribly cold.

I cracked my teeth like a machine-gun burst.

My skin crawled, and I was shaking like the neck of a bottle of alcohol, never leaving my lips.

Suddenly I felt warmer.

The trembling stopped.

"If you'll excuse me, Lord, I didn't expect you to get out right now.

A guy, no, a man about 25 years old, adjusted the mantle that I was covered with.

Then he walked away and got down on one knee.

"Limus Pitcherna, at your service."

"I don't remember much about the world here, and I don't remember you either.

"Yes, Mortis-sama.

I'm the Pitcher's Limus

Your butler and loyal dog.

I hope you'll remember me in this form.

The limus blurred and turned into slime.

"Okay, I get it.

Limus returned to its former form.

"You are still quite weak, we should be vigilant.

Unfortunately, we are far from your pyramid.

So the journey will be long.

"What about the others?"

"They are all in your Great Pyramid.

I tried to stand up.

My eyes were blurred, and I couldn't move.

"You're still too weak, let me carry you."

"To the nearest town, I need to know everything about this world."

I blacked out…

"As you command, my Lord."

Limus picked up Mortis and headed east.

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