
What Mezal Can do

Back in the fortress of Airom Vagat...

Mezal felt the changes in the air and had been very wary of things that would come.

"I don't think Kyros has any reason to lie to me. Something must have happened. I have to wait for Aron or Branze's update." Mezal stood and began to see the bushel of herbs being delivered to him to support his family.

As thanks to his astounding contribution, various kingdoms and towns offered the dying family some support. But Mezal turned down any financial aid and told them what he needed. With his family on the brink of death, he needed some medicines that would be useful for the upcoming battles.

"Mezal...You won't even tell me why this is useful?" Champion Ordeus asked as he stood to the side. He said it quietly.

Mezal shook his head and then answered.

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