
If you were stronger

As Athena and Ashur rested, Athena, looked over at him and commented in a joking way to him "You know, if you were a little stronger, I would probably ask you out."

"Oh? And how much stronger is a little stronger?" Ashur asked back, as he was interested in how strong she considered 'A little stronger.'

"How strong? Well, you got to be able to fight me when I'm serious for at least ten minutes" replied Athena before continuing on, "To let you know, I have been only playing around and I'm nowhere near serious."

"I'm flattered and all," said Ashur as he looked straight on Athena before he suddenly burst out laughing and exclaimed, "But even if they were that strong, I seriously doubt anyone could like such a tomboy like you!"

Athena could not help but clench her fists as her face darkened while a smile emerged from her face.

As Ashur looked at Athena's smile, he could not help have a chill crawl up his spine as he thought her smile was anything but pleasant.

"Oh? I think we had enough rest, lets spar for a bit more, this time you dodge while I attack" said Athena as she picked up her sword and walked forward.

"Try not to die now~," said Athena as she suddenly dashed at Ashur.

"Hey! Wait a min-" but before Ashur could finish what he wanted to say, Athena slashed at him.

Ashur knew that he could not dodge this so he could only try to block with his sword in hope that he can withstand it.

As Athena's sword descended upon him, he could barely bring his sword to just barely block it.

When the swords collided, Ashur was blasted away by a few meters and could only position himself as he stabbed his sword into the ground to regain his footing and not be struck to the ground from her blow.

As Athena saw this, she said "Wow, you're improving so fast~" as she suddenly dashed towards Ashur to strike him again, but this time Ashur had prepared himself.

He defended with his sword as he dodged to the side to prepare for Athena's next strike.

But before he could dodge, Ashur was hit in the side by Athena's sword.

He could feel that his side was burning with pain, so he tried to dodge away again, but he was suddenly hit by another strike, this time to his leg.

This continued for over half an hour, as Ashur was trying to dodge or block Athena's strikes but he always failed but he did manage to block a few times, but Ashur was sure that she was just letting him.

After half an hour of beating Ashur, Athena finally felt satisfied.

"I think that's enough for today, see you next week," said Athena.

She then went over to grab the half-finished canteen that she left on the side and take a few gulps and she exhaled in delight after having some refreshing water after sweating so much.

Ashur smiled wearily as he heard this, but he was also looking a bit forward to it, as he can improve his fighting abilities.

"Okay ill be heading home now," said Ashur as he decided to walk home today.

"Okay, see you later!"

Ashur then left her house and started walking home.

As he was walking towards the direction of his home, he came across a few street food sellers.

Ashur browsed the various foods before he spotted one that sold kabobs and went over to it.

"Hello, how much for 10 skewers?"

"Well, it's usually three for half a divine coin, but ill through in an extra one for free and it will be one and a half-divine coins."

One and a half divine coins was quite the fair deal for 10 skewers, and the reason Ashur was buying so many was that he wanted to bring home Hephaestus some.

"I'll take them," said Ashur as he paid the street seller.

He then again started walking towards his house, but this time, he was now munching on a kabob as he held a bag of them.

After walking a while, he finally arrived home.

"Hephaestus, I'm home!"

After those words echoed inside the house, tiny footsteps could be heard rapidly approaching Ashur.

"Your home!" shouted Hephaestus as she jumped and started hugging his body.

"Don't cling to me, I need a bath" said Ashur as he tried pulling off Hephaestus.

"Alright," said Hephaestus as she let go of him and backed off.

"Hephaestus I got you some food, want some?"

"Really? Yes please!"

Ashur then brought over the bag that he had over to his coffee table.

"I got some kabobs here," said Ashur as he opened up the bag and passed one of them over to Hephaestus.

Hephaestus then took a bite of the skewer that Ashur passed over and said "Thanks"

"Your welcome"

Ashur then started chowing down with Hephaestus.

As they were eating Hephaestus asked Ashur "Where did you go? Why are you are all bruised and sweaty?"

Ashur was mostly healed from Athena's beating because god's bodies have a naturally high recovery rate and he only has a few small bruises left.

"Ah, I was sparring with a friend and this is why I'm sweaty and a bit bruised"

"You were sparring with someone?" asked Hephaestus as she looked at him in interest.

"Yeah, we were sparring with longswords and it was pretty intense."

"Did you win?" asked Hephaestus as she looked at Ashur with anticipation

Ashur looked at Hephaestus and did not know what to say as he did not want to lie to her, ultimately he decided to tell the truth.

"Well.....I got my ass handed to me"

Hephaestus, hearing this, tried to hold in her giggles by putting on a stone face but ultimately a few giggles escaped.

"Go ahead and laugh"

Hephaestus then burst out laughing while she held her stomach while Ashur could see tears welling up in the corner of her eyes

"Well, I don't know how to feel about this"

As Hephaestus heard what he said, she burst out laughing even harder.

Ashur had mixed feelings, on one side, he got to see his cute and adorable daughter laughing to the point of tears, and on the other, he was the one getting laughed at.

"I'm going to hop in the bath, save me one of them for me for later," said Ashur as he walked towards the bathroom.

He then arrived in the changing room before you enter the bath.

Ashur then started undressing, starting from his slightly torn shirt that got torn while fighting Athena, to his pants that are slightly in better condition of being not torn but it was still tattered.

Ashur then removed his remaining clothing and set it aside, Ashur then opened the door to the bath.

next chapter will be 18+, and there will be another 2 chapters later, this will be the only 18+ for a long time.

royalgrimcreators' thoughts
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