
216. Wires

As soon as Asher passed through the door he was met with a long passage full of wires. They were stretched at many angles. They were placed in ways that would make anyone trying to pass through duck and twist in strange ways. On top of that, there was a slight hum of electricity from them. 

Asher reached out a finger and gently touched one of the wires, "Dang! They are like those cattle fences. They zap people! Laura, I swear if you go through this on beginner mode I will make sure you have bad luck for life." Asher knew this was an empty threat but the situation was pushing him in to an adrenaline overdrive. 

He heard Jane coming in behind him, "I didn't see the point in waiting if we were all going in on hard mode. Good luck." Jane had partially wanted Asher to take the lead since she knew he would most likely find a safe way to move through. She also wanted to make sure that she and he would be the first two out. 

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