
Too Tempting Offer.

Emily jumped out into the street and closed her eyes from the sunbeam that hit them. Judging by the weather, the day promised to be excellent, which is not to say about her mood. On the other hand, the girl was grateful to that tactless stranger, because now she was angry not with her grandmother, but with him.

There was no point in being offended by her grandmother. She wanted the best and did it the best she could. Although her ways were not the most pleasing sometimes. But this guy!

Emily crossed the road and disappeared into the entrance of her house. All this time she felt on her back the cheeky look of this womanizer. Well, or so it seemed to her. She did not turn around and check. Because who in their right mind would pester a girl with such conversations?

Not only did he get into her affairs without asking, he also acted as if she really had to swear to him in eternal love at the altar! Huh, you might think his charming smile, mocking gray eyes and attractive dimple on his chin would affect her!

If Emily had the type of men who were taboo to associate with, that "first comer" could easily fit in that category. Thanks, but such "happiness" was not welcome at all. There were enough problems from those who are simpler.

The girl went up to the apartment, threw the keys on the table, and went to the kitchen to put the kettle on. Instant coffee from a can differed from her favorite Americano in the Nefertiti like the liquid from a puddle compared to pure artesian water. That's how special that coffee was for her.

Emily took the phone from her bag and turned on the sound. It was not nice to ignore her grandmother. After all, she makes delicious pies, and does not grab coffee from her, like some. And although the girl herself left her order, her failed groom was to blame for this.

"Ugh, why did I remember him again?!" Emily rolled her eyes. "All right, it's a high time to have breakfast! It's all the fault of an empty stomach. It wants something tasty, so forbidden thoughts come up!"

Fortunately for Emily, the forbidden thoughts did not have time to finally take shape in her head, as they were interrupted by another call.

"Kelly! Well, look who decided to show up! Did you remember your poor best friend? Or do you no longer communicate with unemployed losers?"

"Ahaha, Emily! What nonsense are you talking about?" Kelly laughed, "You know that I have no less things to worry about! But unlike you, I also have a salary! Tell me, have you decided to return to university again?"

Emily cringed. The thought of her previous place of work still made her feel sick, although a year had passed. No, she was not going to return. At least while he was there. And her ex was not going to leave either.

"No. I will not return there. I have two research orders for master's theses. I completed one of them. Now I am finishing the second one and will look for a new place."

"This bald professor will give you recommendations, I hope?" Kelly asked in a stern voice.

"Peter is not bald, and no, I'm not going to ask him for a recommendation. I'll figure it out myself somehow," Emily pulled off the rubber band that held the tail from her head and went to the mirror. Hell, she didn't even look in the mirror before going outside!

"Ugh, that's not the point! You worked so hard helping him with his research! After what he has done, he is obliged to make you a co-author!" Kelly knew that her friend was a naive and gullible girl. And unfortunately, life taught Emily in a bad way. The one she loved for five years easily turned away and did not even deign to ask for forgiveness.

"Let's close this topic. I don't care anymore, honestly."

"Yes, you're right," Kelly sighed and immediately came to her senses, "God, I almost forgot why I'm calling you! I have a mega-cool offer!"

So, one needs to be careful with cool offers today. "All right, I'm listening," Emily said cautiously.

"I can get you the first volume of "The Egyptian Chronicles"! Exclusive edition!"

Emily was momentarily speechless. "Are you kidding?" she whispered, feeling afraid to hear laughter in return.

"I'm serious!"

God, the first volume! The only one she did not have in the collection! "The Egyptian Chronicles" by one of the best researchers of antiquity, published twenty years ago by the Pharaoh publishing house. If Emily had a cherished dream, then that would be to become an editor of any book by this author just to have a chance to communicate with him!

But even the chance to get the first volume was already incredible luck!

"And what do you want from me for that?" As wonderful as Kelly was, she would not have offered such a gift for nothing.

"Oh, just a little. Can you replace me at work for a month? Difficulties should not arise, plus you will earn a decent amount. They promise a bonus at the end of the year." With every word, Kelly's proposal looked more like a financial scam.

It looked too tempting and easy.

"What's the catch?"

"Common, there is no catch!" the girlfriend laughed.

"That is, you want to say that I can just work for a month in the coolest publishing house instead of you, where even the janitors are hired for interviews in three stages, and still get paid for it? Do you think I still believe in Santa?"

When Emily went to university, she wanted to work at this publishing house after graduation. Out of all one hundred and fifty students, the Pharaoh chose her. But then she was madly in love with Peter Miller, the future star of the scientific world, and turned down the vacancy to stay at the university and work in his department.

They took Kelly to the vacant seat, and for three years now, Emily's best friend has been working at the best publishing house, which she was incredibly happy about.

"Baby, this is a one in a million chance. I barely managed to set things with the general manager! Moreover, do you know how many departments the Pharaoh has? I work in the least prestigious one of them! If you show yourself well, you will be able to get a recommendation, and with it, you will have a chance to get a job in the department of historical non-fiction, as you have always dreamed!"

Kelly's words were as sweet as the devil's, and Emily was ready to put her signature on anything if it was true.

"I already showed them your resume," her best friend threw the last punch line.

"Where did you get it from?" Emily wondered. The last time she made a resume was when...

"Remember, before graduation, you made a resume for the Pharaoh? I had a copy on my computer, and I sent it," Kelly said in a satisfied voice, clearly begging for praise for her ingenuity.

Everything was too perfect.

"Why should I replace you? Where will you be?"

There was a pause on the phone. "Oh, so, I'm on vacation! The first one in three years, by the way! And there is a pile of things to do at work! My boss let me go on the condition that I find a worthy replacement. Girls from other departments refused to help, so I offered you! Great, isn't it?"

"Probably... it's great," Emily still couldn't believe her ears. This chance is really like winning the lottery!

"So, when should I start?"

"Well, from tomorrow of course!" Kelly stunned her, "In two hours my manager will be waiting for you with the documents. Do not be late! I'll send you a message with her phone number. That's it, I gotta go. We need to get things done before the boss arrives. See you tonight, don't forget to tell me how everything was!" her friend cut off all escape routes. Emily had no choice but to nod her head and hang up.

The Pharaoh. She will work at the Pharaoh for a whole month! The girl ran to the mirror and pinched her cheek to make sure it was actually happening.

So, two hours. I need to put myself in order, dress decently. Damn, I have to stop by for a gas station, or the tank in the car will not last half the way, the girl thought to herself.

In half an hour, Emily was ready. Outwardly, but not morally. Inside her, everything was shaking with nervousness and anticipation.

The girl inserted her keys into the ignition and her old Ford coughed loudly as it cleared the engine. "Come on, kid, be patient a little. Mom will take you to the repairs as soon as she gets the first check. I promise!" Emily stroked the dashboard, exhorting her mechanical beast to behave well.

Having died out at several traffic lights and not without the disgruntled shouts of other drivers, Emily finally got to the gas station. She was already about to stand on the circled place when Maybach drove into the gas station with a wild roar.

The driver, without slowing down, cut the girl's path and stood in front of her, taking up a free lot.

"Absolutely out of your mind, you damn rich boy!" Emily cursed and jumped out to look at him. The man got out of the car with his chin up, as if he was the King of the world and everyone owed him.

No way!!

He turned around, removed his sunglasses, and raised his eyebrows in surprise. It was her failed cafe fiance! Destiny had a dark sense of humor today.

A satisfied grin spread across the stranger's face,

"I knew you'd change your mind. That's the right decision."

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