

"Well know that we have gotten all of that out of the way. I suppose that it is only fair that we get to discuss what you're expected to be doing while you're here." Ambrose announced as he began to clean up his desk. His messy stratification on it reminded him a lot of Ian's desk. A system of organization that only the other understood. 

"We got some odd cases here that we thought might fit your line of work well." 

"We?" Houston clarified confused. 

"Yes, my second-in-command you could call her. She's not her right now but she often helps me assign the duties to those who don't have enough work." he replied as he handed over another folder to the detective. 

"There have been a lot of odd things going on around here recently that we thought you might be good at looking into. Nothing serious but that we would like some answers to." Houston began to skim through the folder as he read everything that had been taken down. 

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