
The Start Pt. 2

The woman didn't know what to make of the man laying in the bed and looking at her expectantly.

How was she supposed to know if he was crazy or not? Without any identification, there was no way to pull his medical records up.

They had posted things all over the city as well in hopes of finding his family, but no one came forward.

"I can't say." She replied after a moment of silence.

"Perhaps if you could tell me more about yourself, I could help give you some of the answers you're looking for." She suggested, placing the other's hand back down by his side. 

She waited patiently for a moment longer add the other just stared at her blankly. It seemed to her he was apprehensive to speak again for some reason.

"Why don't we start simple then." The nurse to the alpha with a sigh. Why did she always get stuck dealing with the weird ones? 

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