
Girl Time

'Speaking of possible emotional damage, what is it that you gave my girlfriend, fiancees and...whatever Rianna sees me as?'

=Possible stud for her future brood?=

'Sure...seriously though, Pathos what did you give them?'

<You'll find out in time, milord. You'll time.>

'Ominous little-see, this is why I don't default to your judgement when it comes to other people. You enigmatic clown!'

<Bleh! >

__Meanwhile, those aforementioned girls..._

In a private part of the Zhen Clan estate, which consisted of an outdoor garden/training area, the Seventh Lady of the Zhen Branch Clan, Daria Nerissa-Zhen, was examining several different accessories that varied in terms of decorations, but had similar enough designs to one another to suggest that they were part of a set.

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