
I am too young to be an adoptive father

Earlier, while Zhen Liu was in the middle of counseling Cornelius, both Razorstella and Frosttusk went about finishing their assignments in very different ways.

[Was it really necessary for us to buy all of this junk?]

[This many meaningful items for a handful of copper? Yes, it was completely necessary. Besides, I needed a palette cleanser after seeing that street cook's thousand yard stare. It felt...wrong.]

Razorstella, with Screamira's assistance, had bought a crate full of random knick-knacks and pieces of junk that all carried [Meaning]. These items varied from old wooden toys to rusted kitchen knives to an old alchemist's cauldron.

Any kaijin created from this stuff would definitely end up looking a touch more...whacky than the current group, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

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