
... don't always work

The Martial Mimic Monkey knew damn well that its dragon roar technique was about to get mitigated, judging by all the sudden flare up of multiple unique aether signatures...which was exactly what it wanted.

Over its multiple decades of life, the Martial Monkey realized that it wasn't always the biggest and flashiest moves that won the fight. Rather, it was the sneaky and underhanded one wants that immediately followed that did the most damage.

As such, while all of his opponents were curled up in their little balls and shields of safety, that were geared towards mitigating the blunt force trauma that came in the form of his roar, the Martial Mimic Monkey began to charge up aether and dragon force into his tail. As he did, little spike-like hairs and scales began to pop up.

Once a suitable number was erected, the monkey swung its tail three times in three different directions.

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