
One Sided Burial

"Simply knowing someone is lying, doesn't mean you have leverage over them. You just have the means to establish it."

-Advice from a rather unscrupulous lawyer, who did all the wrong things for the right reasons.


[Wait a minute...milord? I thought you said you weren't going to try and just confront the man with the full knowledge of what you know about him. You just gave him a play by play of why you know he's in this medical hall.]

'I am not, Nepherage. I am simply giving this man the means to dig himself a hole.'

[The hell are you talking about, maestro?]

'Just watch...'


There are a variety reactions that can occur when someone gets caught in a lie.

They can get angry, as a means of trying to enforce the truth.

They can play dumb, as if trying to confirm that they honestly believed what they said.

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