
Two Opposing Forces

'What in the fuck is that?'

From what Jinju Yang could see from a distance, a total of eight Zhen clansmen, including the Martial Elder Zhen Fei, were staring at what appeared to be a weird color lump on the ceiling.

But what he could sense was...nothing, which was a new sensation to him.

Thankfully though, he was about to ask some people who probably had a better idea than he did.


"And you're sure that isn't just a giant spider egg or something?"

"Positive, Martial Elder," Zhen Wang answered.

"Actually, this is an incredibly familiar scenario and I have a very good idea as to-"

"Hello there, Zhen Clansmen!," Jinju Yang interrupted as he walked over to the group, "what's gotten everyone's attention this fine morn-"



"Oh godsdammit."

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