
Excuse me, Princess...deja Vu...

[Guys...why are we just sitting here?]

[What do you mean, Hurricroak?]

[I mean like...Nepherage, right about now, our lord would've toss our tiny toy forms into a forgotten room corner somewhere and we'd spend that time snooping around whatever strange area we'd be dumped in,] Hurricroak explained, [but this whole ass evening has so far consisted of us watching our lord and his family partake of food and wine provided by estranged relatives, while those same relatives fire off dirty glances in our direction. We should be kicking their teeth in at this point or something. You guys aren't bored by this?]

[No,] Nepherage bluntly answered, [we had a full day of fighting in that tournament. I don't mind the down time.]

[Okay, you had a full day of fighting, so did the zakos, the rest of us have just been sitting on our asses as accessories this whole time. Frosttusk, you got me, right big guy?]

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