
A Collision Course of Emotions

'Alright, now that the fighting is over, time to do clean up...again. Well, at least this time it's with family instead of just me and the kaijin. Speaking of...'

Soon after the return of his grandfather, father and uncles, Zhen Liu went about his usual routine of coordinating his kaijin to help with clean up and looting.

Granted, it was a heavier lean on the former than the latter.

But as Zhen Liu ran a mental checklist on which kaijin could help with what for the time being, he realized didn't have many kaijin on hand to help out.

'Okay so, Hurricroak's checking on Tiny, Razorstella is still inside Uncle Zhen Ye for the time being, Spring Brawler is still riversick-'

[Actually, I think I'm better now, ringmaster. The size of the makeshift glacier helps.]

'Ah! Cool. That still leaves Frosttusk, who is sorta chilling and Nepherage is...huh?'

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