
A Wild Serpent's Dance



"Zhen Ye?"


As Zhen Tai, Zhen-She Yang and the Ravager Otters turned to see what was the source of the roaring hiss, all of them were surprised to find it to be a middle-aged man. However, the reason for the surprised reaction were for very different reasons.

"I have never heard father be that loud before..."

"Me neither..."

For Zhen Tai and Zhen-She Yang, it was shocking for them to see the normally quiet father figure of their family to suddenly make a sound so loud that the latter swore she heard glass breaking on one of the nearby rafts.

She had only seen this occur in person one other time, and it was at the performance of a visting opera troupe.



As for the Ravager Otters, they were confused at hearing what sounded like the cry of a giant snake aether beast, aka their favorite meal, coming from a small human warrior.

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