
ROUS with a Rusty disposition.

=Lacerage, I hate to be a bother, but do you have any plans of letting my counterpart go anytime soon?,= Logos asked as Lacerage adjusted her position from a chokehold into a backbreaker.


=Take that as a no...=

Whatever his emotional counterpart had done to anger the two nanny kaijin, Logos was at least sixty-five percent sure it didn't warrant this much abuse.

The remaining thirty-five percent was doubt based on knowing Pathos for literal centuries.

They had a habit of causing mayhem, it was only safe to assume that this was the case again.

As Logos stared at the continuing physical affliction, they eventually felt a small tug at their sleeve. The source of this tugging was none other than Janice, with her brother Japser standing nearby.

"Teacher Logos?," the girl asked cutely, "what's the lace lady doing to Teacher Pathos?"

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