
Remember, torture only works when no one knows your face

"Oooh, what a collection! Looks like Mrs. Nerisa-Zhen is a bit of an enthusiast in the interrogation arts," Matilda exclaimed with glee as she pulled out what looked like a demented pizza cutter from the box, "very well taken care of, but you can still feel the wear on the grips. Looks they haven't been used for a few years though."

As Alicia and Bellona looked at the implements with a mix of fear and curiosity, all the while re-evaluating their initial impression of their possible future in-law, Zhen Liu was dealing with slight amount of revelation shock, mixed with realization.


<Welp, I think we can conclude that our lord's mother was probably involved in very clandestine activities prior to be being a baby mama.>

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