
The Bored and the Waiting

Razor Maiden's Boredom.

"Books, scrolls and stones. Nothing worth cutting," Razor Maiden grumbled as she scratched her claws against one another. She had been scratching the shelves and floor earlier, but the sound her claws made when doing so hurt her ears, and the surfaces themselves were blunting those aforementioned claws.

"Can't even read yet. I think..."

As a proto-kaijin, Razor Maiden's capabilities and ability to think were rather limited.

She was able to use aether, but not arts. She could understand words, but not read them. She could transform into carry mode just fine, but could not keep up the connection while doing so.

"Bah! Annoying as hell. Want to grow up now."

She understood that her current state was only temporary and that she would be able to be like the other kaijin over time, when she finally develops a "core" of her own, but she just wanted that time to be over now.

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