

Awakening the next morning from some light shaking on his shoulder, Damian slowly opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. Seeing the unfamiliar roof, he felt he hadn't made it home but remembering soon after that he had begun to attend a university, he quickly looked towards the person who had been shaking him.

Seeing Rose standing beside his bed with her hair combed and a smile on her face as she looked at her phone for a moment, he slowly sat up. As he did, Rose took notice that he was finally awake and poked his arm again before telling him that orientation was in an hour so he needed to get ready.

"I will wait for you so go ahead and get ready." She said, startling Damian just a bit.

"You should go and eat some breakfast instead of waiting for me,"

"I don't like to eat alone if there is someone I could eat it with.

"I see," he said as he slowly got out of bed and went over to his closet before looking at multiple sets of the purple and black uniforms he was given. Taking one, he looked back at rose before going and taking a shower. After, he finished getting ready by putting his clothes on and brushing his teeth, before he walked out of the bathroom and smiled at Rose.

"Let's get going." He said and grabbed his phone and wallet while Rose had grabbed her purse. Seeing that it was eight in the morning, Damian and rose both agreed that they could eat for an hour then wait for the orientation that started at ten.

When the two hours had passed, Damian and Rose met up with Kai, Ari, Kate, and Ryan outside of a large theatre building. Seeing Kate opt for no stockings or leggings like Rose, Damian was pretty surprised by how cute she looked.

After following some directions from the staff and signs around and inside the building, the group found themselves within a large hall. Finding some seats in the back, they decided to sit there as other students entered.

Sitting in the open seat beside Damian, a young man with short blond hair, blue eyes, and a handsome face that made girls stare, smiled at him before offering a simple greeting. Responding in kind Damian introduced himself but as the young man was planning to respond, the event started.

Tapping on the microphone, a young woman with short orange hair stood at the podium on the stage. She wore the same uniform as them but with the optional stockings on her legs, began to speak into it.

"Good morning everyone. I would like to congratulate you on making it here and attending our university. I am Zoey, a 4th-year student and also the student council president. I will be available after the event for any questions you might have.

Now, to begin the orientation, I will explain a few things about clubs and then issue you your phone, fully paid for by the school. These are for you to use to enter and exit any building on the campus or to enter and exit the campus itself at any of the four entrances.

If you are here without being on an athletic scholarship, I would advise you to select one of the amazing clubs to join. If you are on an athletic scholarship, however, while being in a club is possible, just understand that you will need to time-manage effectively and create a schedule where you can do both while having time to complete any school work.

Now onto the explanation of clubs. There are student-run clubs and faculty-run clubs. Student-run clubs consist of the anime club, the community outreach club, the esports club, the music club, and many more clubs, you are able to see all of the clubs on your school-issued phones after receiving them.

For the teacher-run clubs, you have the fine arts club, the sword arts club, the media club which controls school announcements and the radio station, and many many more clubs that are equally as amazing.

Most of these clubs are doing competitions and events for prizes throughout the school year so remember that you might be asked to participate in these competitions or events and miss some classes. Your time must be managed well in order to enjoy your other activities throughout the school year.

That concludes my introduction and the explanation of clubs. You all will now receive your student issue phones, please log in to them using your school id and password before attempting to use them. They can be used as your second phone and you can personalize them however you'd like.

In the event that your phone breaks, is lost or stolen, or is damaged in any way, You will need to pay the fee to have it fix or replaced. The school will not cover anything in terms of your phone so you need to treat it well.

You all also have money for this year so don't use it all in the first few months buying useless things. The money may come from a multi-million dollar sponsorship but it does not mean that you should use it wildly.

Save it for unexpected events and remember that even if you have this money, you still need a job in order to generate income. Thank you, I will be available for you to call or message after the event today, so look through your phone at your pre-arranged contacts and I will be there.

You will be able to select your club up until Sunday of this week so feel free to take your time looking through them. Once again, My name is Zoey and I welcome you all to NAU." The woman said cheerfully as she finished her speech and waved at everyone while receiving applause from everyone in the crowd.

After Zoey had finished her speech, dozens of white boxes containing the newest tech phones developed from researching pandora's box were passed through the rows of students.

Receiving his own, Damian logged into it and browsed the various apps before adding his most used ones on his personal phone, to the second phone he has just received. After that, he was a little surprised when he felt a tap from his left, while also seeing a pair of bewitching legs in front of him. Raising his head from his phone, Damian saw that Rose was standing in front of him while everyone else was already standing and other students were leaving the building.

"It's over now, lets go Damian. Next, we will take a tour around the campus so let's go" Kai said as everyone simply smiled.

"Ohh, I see. Thanks for telling me" He responded as he stood up and walked out of his building with his friends. With the orientation being over, they followed the sea of other students that split into three lines with them all going different right, left, and center at the statue in front of the co-ed dorm.

"Now students, We will follow the middle path which will take us through the middle of the campus, then we will go from the east around to the west side and finish there. You are allowed to leave at any time since the campus map is on your new phone, this tour is simply for people who don't mind seeing the campus now." A muscular teacher said as he smiled and began walking through the co-ed dorm, explaining why it had been created.

With the tour happening around noon for a total of 2 hours. Damian, his group, and only around twenty or so students from the few hundred originally in their group made it to the end of the tour.

"Only you all are left? That's more than I expected." The teacher said as he sat along a small stone wall around knee height.

"Well, for finishing this tour with me, you will gain an extra two thousand dollars to spend this year." The teacher said with a smile as the other students gave each other high fives. Holding out his phone, he asked everyone present to wave their new phone over his own. As they did that one by one, they saw a notification saying that they had received an extra two thousand dollars.

"Excuse me, sir, what is your name?" Ryan asked curiously.

"Me? Well, I am Michael Peterson, I am the sword arts club sponsor and I have been for a few years now." He said proudly, leaving Ryan to smile and shake his head some.

"Well… the tour is over so you can all go do whatever you want, classes start next week so take this week to look over the clubs and join one that interests you. Tomorrow the clubs will have stalls set up around campus and you can go to them to find out more information." The teacher, Peterson, said before standing up and walking away.

Damian and his friends began talking with each other after the teacher had left and after agreeing to have dinner together, they all split up in pursuit of different objectives.

Sitting under a tree, Damian relaxed on the freshly mowed grass while using his new phone. Remembering Zoey's advice from before, he began looking for a part-time job he could have while he attended school. As he was doing that, someone squatted behind him and looked over his shoulder.

Feeling the presence over his shoulder, he turned his head to find rose looking at him while holding her skirt down with her arms as she crouched down behind him.

"You are looking for a job already? Shouldn't you be looking at the clubs?" She asked as she took out her school phone.

"I have already decided what club I want to join," Damian said to Rose's surprise.

"Which club is that?" She asked with a curious expression on her face.

"Well… I plan to join the sword arts club." He said as he looked at his phone with a smile.

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