

Nod did not notice how he Oak slipped from his side. Nod started to frantically look for her. The scream got followed by fire. The man who dragged the victim's wife run while he is burning. The other tents were inflicted and the entire area became a vast field of flame. The soldiers were shocked, their camp where they held their victorious day got consumed by ardor element. Nod started to get more worried. His eyes scan the area but he can't caught a view of his subject. Nod for the first time was glad that they are invisible, if not he might have got stepped on by this panicking crowd.

Hue and Stripe carefully step in to investigate.

"This war already gave us the lose. We cannot allow the main unit to take all the glory. Let us report this victory and go home." The comander stated.

"I agree but we should enjoy this evening first. We striked down the enemy. We reclaimed our boundary! We also have some women. You can take one as your wife commander." The soldier replied.

Hue leaned in closer to the pitched tent when his ear drums caught a scream. The scream was then exchanged by a vast fire. The scene of sea flames had Stripe and Hue slipped back to reunite with Oak and Nod but the whole camp became a mess. Soldiers and people are running, wailing and are escaping for their own good.

"This is too risky to handle. We did not even find out the reason why we got here!" Hue uttered in pure dissapointment.

"I can tell that my green pair of garment goes well with this fire. Too scarlet and scorching." Stripe replied.

Hue just sighed, he is glad that Stripe is a person he knew before this things occur, if not his random words and answer might have pissed him off.

"Let's look for them before we get truly separated from them." Hue replied as he used his eyes to observe the whole area.

Stripe caught a woman that was being held by Oak.

"I spotted Oak. She is by the north part of this camp near our meeting place." Stripe stated.

There are about three hundred pitched tents all over the area same setting whenever wars are being dealt with. The maroon and black colors indicated the units and ranks.

Stripe and Hue approached Oak. The woman she saved was frantic when she can't move. Oak released the woman who fell on her feet. The woman stood up and looked back. Her face looked pale from the slap she recieved. Her shredded garment almost expose her bare. Despite her current portrait, she smiled directly gazing at Oak as if she she can see her and said.

"Thank you."

Oak, Stripe and Hue can't help but smile back even if it was invisible. Their smiles faded when Nod pass through the woman as soon as she turned her back.

"Where were you?" Nod asked Oak.

"I just went to inspect but was caught in a scene." Oak replied.

"So what shall we do, we haven't found any clue regarding the main problem here." Hue pointed.

"Just how did the fire started?" Stripe asked.

The men stared at Oak who bow her head and fidget with jer finger.

"I did it." Oak confessed.

Nod recieved a scolding look from Hue and Stripe. Nod shrugged at them as he mouthed a short sorry.

"I... saw the man grabbed the victim's wife. I felt sorry so I trailed them. The man who is also a soldier slapped the woman in the face and tore her garment. I used the bullet and threw it unto his face when he lighted a tobacco." Oak professed.

"What a jerk! Those kind of men should rot in hell!" Stripe remarked.

"Your way of talking really, is so random that I don't know if you are talking with us." Nod stated.

Hue looked around and eyed Nod's pouch.

"How about checking the face powder?"

He voiced out. Nod instantly opened the face powder and it flashed a phrase.

"Issue Undealt."

"As expected." Hue answered backa as if the face powder would reply again.

"We need to get back where we got the bullets." Nod raised.

"That is exactly what I am about to say." Stripe added.

Hue led the way as they trailed back at the tent but was now full of soldiers that escaped from the fire.

"How are we going to search in here?" Stripe asked.

"Our concern is situation not a thing nor person." Nod replied.

"Yep and I thinks it's starting." Hue replied.

Oak was wide eyed when the woman she saved was again caught by the soldiers.

"You are with the colonel before the fire, did you start that fire?" the soldier screamed at her face as he yanked her hair.

"No sir," the woman shrilled.

"Then who did it other than you!" The soldier yelled as he spit on the woman's face.

"That man started the fire." she quivered and was distress that she can't wipe out the spit in her face.

"You dare to blame it to our colonel wench!" The soldier slapped her in the face. The impact had the woman fall on the ground.

"I am telling the truth sir. His lighter exploded when he wanted a smoke!" The woman yelled in all agony.

Hue started to get pissed at how the woman was treated. Stripe launched himself and tried to punch the soldier but his hand went through. Stripe spit on the soldier as well but his salive showered through the soldier. Oak clenched her fist as she balled it. Nod approached the woman and pulled her up till she was a meter apart from the soil.

Her face was surprised but she can't help but be relieved.

"Your not a wench but a witch!" The soldier accused.

The soldiers started tp scream when Stripe held the bullet on the woman's side. It looked like she was controlling the bullet.

Hue joined in by standing front to front with the soldier and almost pricked his eyes.

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