
Coruscant, The Dying World

I finish meditating and stop channeling the force. I gently put the things floating around me down, and I stand up. These last few days of training have been an incredible help. My total control over my power has risen, only to discover more power buried. My lightsaber skills have come a long way as well. My Ataru, Shien, and Niman have all increased in skill. So much that I can comfortable contend with the training droid and win most of the time, but I have still need more training to do till I'm at a Master's level. I walk to the sonic shower and toss my robes into the sonic washer and dryer. I jump in the sonic shower and let it do its thing to clean me. My muscles are tighter now and slightly bigger. They match my 5'10 frame perfectly. I'm going to be very tall. I'm still only 13, after all.

I set out of the sonic shower and proceed to get dressed in my freshly cleaned clothes. I walk to the cockpit and take a seat as the blue hue of hyperspace continues to pass by. I look down at the console and see how much time is left. "Only 10 minutes until I reach Coruscant." Getting past security is going to be a bit difficult. I'm a wanted traitor of the republic, after all. Those are the specific republic secured ports, though. I can easily find a private sector to land in, but I'll have to deal with whoever owns it or that territory. There are countless gangs all over Coruscant. Some are in league with the empire, and as well as the republic. None of them would be welcoming to an unknown stranger landing on their private ports.

In the end, it'll probably lead to some fight. The time is slowly going down. I think about the fact the republic has branded me a traitor. I did, in fact, kill many republic troops and destroyed the mind of a commander. On the other hand, I brought down multiple imperial cruisers and freed up the air space. I suppose I deserve the bounty, but I'm not sorry for it. I've come this far already, and I have every right to remove anything in my way. Even supposed allies. I lean back in the chair and close my eyes. I think back to the time on Tatooine, spending time with my mom and dad. Living a happy life, they gave me everything a child could want. I love them. The empire has taken them from me, hidden them away.

I know the Sith Emporer is after me and most likely using them as bait. I'm a fool for pursuing them, walking into the trap. They are my parents, though. I'd do anything for them, just like they would for me. I can assume that they are well hidden somewhere in the galaxy, being shielded by someone powerful in the force. Searching for any tracks left by their captors on Coruscant is the best step I can come up with. I know I'll find what I need. The force is always with me. I relax as time passes, and I think about the dream I had. I don't know what it means, but the force tends to show me things important. So I shouldn't ignore what that was. The timer reaches around 15 seconds, and I start to insert the necessary commands. The ship leaves hyperspace, and I see the world of Coruscant.

As I feel it through the force, all I feel is it slowly rotting away. Decaying as it is no longer a world anymore. I take the controls and head for some private sectors of the planet. I avoid republic comms trying to hail me, and I enter the upper atmosphere. I land the ship on a pad that is remote and away from any republic installations. I power down the ship and make my way towards the exit. I press the commands for the door to open on the panel next to it, and it opens. I walk out of it, and I use the force to close it. I take a deep breath, and the air is slightly acidic in smell. I close my eyes and feel through the force. There are lots of dark and light places on this world. I can feel the old Jedi temple, as it's right on top of a dark side nexus.

I feel a group of me coming, and I open my eyes as they arrive at the landing pad. "Do you have any idea who this landing pad belongs to? The Black son doesn't appreciate people that are so disrespectful..." He sounds almost excited. Normally I would try to resolve this with peace, but I don't want to waste time trying to talk my way out of this. They can't see my face since my hood is up and my lightsaber is visible. They don't seem to care, though. I can feel their intentions to try and harm me regardless of what I say. "Are you just going to stand there and stay quiet?" Since I'm tall for my age, they probably don't know I'm only 13. I lift my right and lift them all with force grip. Before they can say anything else, I use Force Rend to twist their limbs in painful ways.

I listen to their screams and the breaking of their bones, and the tearing of their bodies. I drop them once they are all dead. My force powers have grown considerably from my training. No one other than another force user can hope to stand in my way. I walk past the mangled bodies leaking massive amounts of blood. I descend the stairs into the underworld of Coruscant. My face is going to be recognizable due to the massive bounty on my head. However, my hood will make the likely hood of running into a problem less. My face is well hidden. I feel through the force as I walk through the maze of streets on Coruscant. I feel for a trace of my parents. I feel an echo of their essences. It's in the rich noble sector, where a lot of Senators stay.

That must have been the location of their safehouse. I pull myself out of the force and make my way towards the echo I have felt. I notice that some of the criminals notice my robes and lightsaber whispering to each other. I can feel their curiosity and suspicion. After walking for about 10 minutes, my path is blocked by many republic troopers and bounty hunters. All of them are pointing their weapons at me. A Jedi jumps from the back and ignites his lightsaber. "Padawan Opal! Surrender peacefully, and we will make things easy for you!" I can feel the Jedi's power. He is definitely a knight but is very weak compared to me. I was discovered much faster than I thought I'd be. I bring my hands up and quickly charge a force destruction and throw the huge wave of energy towards the group in front of me.

The Jedi jumps out of the way know it'd kill him. The rest aren't that smart and are sent flying violently against the walls and down the street. I hear the cracking of their bones. The ones at the beginning of the group were totally disintegrated. The Jedi lands and looks at me in slight fear. I force pull my lightsaber off my belt and get into the new personal stance I created. It's a hybrid between Ataru guard and Niman high. I hold the hilt of my lightsaber towards my enemy from my shoulder and ignite the blade to the tip points at him. I'm going to see how I fare against a knight in terms of lightsaber combat. I far outmatch him in force powers. I shouldn't waste too much time, though. Despite the fun I'm beginning to have, using my powers without restraint. It's nice, but I don't feel that pull to the dark side or light side. There is just the force in me, and I'm the force.

[A/N: Picture of the custom stance Nathan has developed.]

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